World Health Organization (WHO) Profile picture
We are the #UnitedNations’ health agency - #HealthForAll. Always check our latest tweets for updated advice/information.

May 17, 2022, 7 tweets

The πŸ†• WHO Results Report is out!

Learn how we responded to health challenges & emergencies around the world 🌍🌎🌏 in 2020-2021.


+People living w/ better health & well-being
β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–‘ >900M

+People better protected from emergencies
β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–‘ >920M

+People benefiting from Universal Health Coverage
β–“β–“β–“β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘ >270M

Our goal is to achieve 1⃣ billion people/target by 2023.

As the world’s global health guardian, fulfilling these triple billion targets will be our main goal as a measurable means of reducing health equity gaps and ensuring #HealthForAll.

More info πŸ‘‰

πŸ—οΈ Highlight #1

WHO has led the fight against the #COVID19 pandemic.

1 billionth COVID-19 vaccine dose was delivered by Jan 2022 through the @ACTAccelerator partnership.


πŸ—οΈ Highlight #2

In 2021, WHO recommended the use of the πŸŒβ€™s first & only #malaria vaccine among children in sub-Saharan Africa & other regions. It is expected to save tens of thousands of young lives a year.


πŸ—οΈ Highlight #3

5⃣8⃣ countries, covering 3⃣ billion people, now have policies to #REPLACETransfat, a toxic chemical used in processed foods. WHO’s REPLACE initiative aims for a trans-fat-free world by the end of 2023.


πŸ—οΈ Highlight #4

Tobacco use is decreasing in 150 countries thanks to measures led by WHO's @FCTCofficial. #NoTobacco


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