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May 21, 2022, 8 tweets

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Originates from the canadian plumber matt bryden who is now active in the Horn of Africa as a conflict entrepreneur and brydenism syndrome describes the mental state people are in after being affected by matt bryden.

#somalia #mogadishu


Brydenism syndrome is unfortunately prevalent in the horn of africa where it first was diagnosed. But some analysts have said that early stages of brydenism syndrome have been detected in matt’s homeland Canada.


What is brydenism syndrome ??

Well scholars disagree on it some say; people suffering from brydenism have extremely low self confidence and are extremely dependent and cant reason for themselves ! The term beta males is used !! this group mostly looks down upon their own !


others say: its a mental state where ones desires takes over from their reasoning to such a level that individuals affected by it cant reason what’s best 4 themselves anymore and become a liability 4 themselves & their surrounding. This group mostly plot against their own


But all scholars agree on the symptoms of brydenism syndrome here are some👇👇

1st : extreme hypocrisy
2nd : stoking division
3rd : anti 🇸🇴 🇪🇹 🇪🇷
4th : anti peace
5th : warlord tendencies
6th : leaking secrets
7th : violence as a means
8th: anti govt

a good examples👇


People who suffer from the brydenism syndrome believe violence is a legal political tool and overthrowing govt’s is a good thing if the 🇺🇸 approves it! And have a tendency of establishing coalitions with words as unity or salvation or council or democratic & liberation in it


People who suffer from brydenism believe that if there is an disagreement civil war is the only option and therefore believe that the white men/women who in brydenism owns & controls the world should fix it before they kill themselves


Part 2 coming soon

Part 2 will have a more academic approach !!

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