@anniefreyshow @Cardinals @KMOXSports Eric struts upon an empty stage filing bogus suits vs. #SamPage that doctors rejected as Eric infected the suburbs he’d happily wage a #peculiar wharfair against. With the state’s famed motto he dispensed yet fancied himself a bold hero. Upon the scoreboard we read 0.
⛲ @KCMO ⚾️
@anniefreyshow @Cardinals @KMOXSports @KCMO Eric’s lawsuits made #Missouri sick
as he went to bat for Parson’s clique.
First school districts to sue,
then each loss to boohoo
lent this AG an air lunatic
who attempted the ladder to climb
with theatrics on the public dime.
@msta @moaesp @moassp @kcmo
@anniefreyshow @Cardinals @KMOXSports @KCMO @MSTA @MoAESP @MOASSP Eric’s lawsuits made #Missouri sick
as he went to bat for Parson’s clique.
First school districts to sue
then each loss to boohoo
lent this AG an air lunatic
who attempted the ladder to climb
with theatrics on the public dime.
@kmov @kytv @ksmu @kq2 @kmbc
@anniefreyshow @Cardinals @KMOXSports @KCMO @MSTA @MoAESP @MOASSP @KMOV @kytv @ksmu @kq2 @kmbc Parson cheered for the Cards, not the Cubs; he forgot folks in hospital scrubs. Though he threw a first pitch, #publichealth he would ditch as for Gov. 56 he still subs. On #Missouri he inflicted pain for indifference is his domain.
@anniefreyshow @Cardinals @KMOXSports @KCMO @MSTA @MoAESP @MOASSP @KMOV @kytv @ksmu @kq2 @kmbc “Let’s go to Florida. #SpringTraining might help me relax. My complaining in the county of Cole had grown out of control. With #72days remaining until primary’s election day, to assured defeat I’m #ontheway.”
@auctnr1 @VickyHartzlerMO @LucasKunceMO #mosen
@anniefreyshow @Cardinals @KMOXSports @KCMO @MSTA @MoAESP @MOASSP @KMOV @kytv @ksmu @kq2 @kmbc @auctnr1 @VickyHartzlerMO @LucasKunceMO Notwithstanding best efforts from Mitch, citizens aren’t buying Eric’s pitch. ⚾️ While he’s stuck at home plate, donors nervously wait; some to Billy or Vicky will switch. Schmitt’s a liar and litigious lout so we’re glad to see Eric rained out. @erictrump
@anniefreyshow @Cardinals @KMOXSports @KCMO @MSTA @MoAESP @MOASSP @KMOV @kytv @ksmu @kq2 @kmbc @auctnr1 @VickyHartzlerMO @LucasKunceMO @EricTrump Schmitt will take any “win” he can get but he shouldn’t count his chickens yet: he’s got no eggs to hatch. No endorsement he’ll catch so defeat appears a certain bet. His bravado will end in due course; 45 the lawyer won’t endorse. 👎🏼
@hawleymo @FEC #mosen
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