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May 23, 2022, 10 tweets

2022: The Year Of The DAO πŸ”—

DAO's Play An Integral Role In Crypto & Understanding Them Is Essential πŸ§΅πŸ‘‡

1/ #DAO = Decentralized Autonomous Organization 🀝

Transparent. Fair. Innovative. Necessary.

The role a DAO plays ensures that the community is prioritized and not only the founding members, VCs & early investors

2/ The systemic problem that current corporations face is that a select group of people get to make decisions on behalf of an entire organization.

2.5/These decisions are often not in the best interests of their communities & end up lining key shareholders pockets even more. People's greed drive selfish decisions that impact others negatively.

3/ Ever heard the saying 'power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely'

This is a significant reason why DAO's form an integral part of the success of many #crypto projects and the crypto space as a whole.

4/ DAO's put the power in the hands of the community's token holders. Token holders can vote on proposals that affect the project (upgrades, changes etc.)

An example of how a DAO can optimize existing systems πŸ‘‡

5/ Essentially, the ethos of crypto is community and decentralization.

We've seen how broken the system is and how only the elites benefit while the community suffers. The concept of a #DAO is community first and foremost & eliminates the "top-down model"☝️

6/ Why DAO's are necessary:

- Transparency
- Community-oriented
- Decentralized
- Fair Model
- Reduces How Founders Manipulate Projects
- Innovative model for decision-making

7/ $CULT has an especially efficient DAO which ensures the community controls what proposals are accepted/refused.

Funds are distributed to proposals that are accepted by the community.

The top 50 dCULT holders can put forward proposals and the community can vote 🀝


8/ DAO's are becoming a prerequisite for any #crypto project. The principles have the ability to revolutionize existing systems and drastically reform the way existing systems are manipulated.

Why are DAO's important to you?

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