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helping organize crowdsourced information about the 1/6 Capitol attack. also:

May 24, 2022, 9 tweets

#SeditionHunters - a long-awaited arrest today for assault on the press on Jan 6. Rod Milstreed, #UnderArmorDarkShades, tied to the Proud Boys, was one of the first to attack AP photographer John Minchillo. He's in camo at 0:08 in this video (from AP). 1/

Court docs for Milstreed were filed in Denver, though he's from Maryland - as reported by @jeremyjojola and @MacFarlaneNews. Will post updates when docs are public. 2/

Of Minchillo's attackers, 3 have now been arrested (#UnderArmorDarkShades, #CamoCrazyEyes, and #GreyBeanieMeanie). #GreenBandanaMan is still at large. And the folks who helped Minchillo ... also deserve arrest. See thread. 3/

Here's another felony by Milstreed: throwing a tear-gas canister back at police. Same location and close in time to the assault on AP; found by the great @CMominator. Note that Milstreed's hashtag is spelled two ways, try also #UnderArmourDarkShades. /4

While we wait on court docs, here are some pics from Milstreed's Facebook. Seems to spend a lot of time in the weight room - this is what photojournalists had to face on Jan 6. Protecting the press is fundamental for democracy. 5/…

Looks like press-hater Milstreed got some new tattoos, the latest in a Celtic / Norse theme - often used by white supremacists but not exclusively so. From @22ColeRin. 6/

Court docs available now for Milstreed (#UnderArmorDarkShades). Very thorough - FBI lists the press attack plus 3 separate assaults on police, including the thrown tear gas. This pic is ~1:11 PM, the frightening first moments when police seemed overrun. 7/…

Milstreed posted about his connections to Proud Boys, but didn't seem to coordinate with them on Capitol grounds. FBI makes clear that he intended violence. The day the election was called for Biden, he posted this picture and "Gonna get ugly when they overturn these v[o]tes" 8/

Typo: Milstreed's post is from Nov. 9th, two days after the election was called on Nov 7th. That's the day that the word went out about the first "rehearsal" rally in DC the next week, militia began to organize, and Trump fired his Secretary of Defense. 9/…

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