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May 26, 2022, 27 tweets

The #SueGrayReport is 60 pages long! Who's gonna read all that! Me! That's who! Stay tuned for a blow by blow account of the whole thing! This is gonna be a long thread!


1/25 #SueGrayReport
Wine & cheese in the garden is no reason to assume a meeting

is anything other than work related. Good to know!

2/25 #SueGrayReport
exclamation marks are used frequently by the highest officials in their comms so thought I'd use them too! Strap in!

3/25 #SueGrayReport
Martin Reynolds always tries his best! So do I!

4/25 #SueGrayReport
not a health risk! A comms risk!

5/25 #SueGrayReport
and they would've gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for those pesky journalists!

6/25 #SueGrayReport
again, no health risk but definitely a comms risk!

7/25 #SueGrayReport
drinks that aren't drinks, but they are actual drinks!

8/25 #SueGrayReport
puking and fighting! The drinks that weren't drinks ended at 3am!

9/25 #SueGrayReport
afternoon delights! What workplace allows staff to drink in the middle of the afternoon?! No 10!

10/25 #SueGrayReport
Wine Time Friday! How often do you need to repeat drinking wine after work for it to get it's own name?!

11/25 #SueGrayReport
an "impromptu gathering" at exactly the same time as Wine Time Friday?! Sure!

12/25 #SueGrayReport
why do staff need wine for a 60min event?! It wasn't even a Friday!

13/25 #SueGrayReport
Gonna coin this one Alcohol Tuesday! Don't let the press find out!

14/25 #SueGrayReport
Alcohol Thursday! There's nothing wrong with drinking alcohol but the striking regularity it occured at a place of work, in a government building is nothing short of shocking!

15/25 #SueGrayReport
Did I say Alcohol Thursday?! Maybe we should rename it Wine Thursday!

16/25 #SueGrayReport
the Director General of the Covid-19 taskforce couldn't adhere to social distancing guidelines! Great work!

17/25 #SueGrayReport
finally a Wine Time on an actual Friday! - it's just the 5th gathering involving alcohol in 8 days!

...Contravening restrictions!

18/25 #SueGrayReport
WTF! What The Fuck! Sorry... Wine Time Friday! Good to know things are being taken seriously!

19/25 #SueGrayReport
of course there was! It was Alcohol Thursday!

20/25 #SueGrayReport
No need to schedule a time when Wine Time Friday is a firmly established tradition!

21/25 #SueGrayReport
WTF (Wine Time Friday) got a little out of hand and they broke a childs swing/slide! WTF!

22/25 #SueGrayReport

23/25 #SueGrayReport
this is the highest government office in the country and they need a policy on alcohol consumption in the workplace?!


24/25 #SueGrayReport
after reading the whole report, this seems like a gross understatement!

25/25 #SueGrayReport
The full report is here if you wish to read it yourself:

Full thread detailing this shower of shit we call a government and the #Partygate scandal unrolled here: threadreaderapp.com/thread/1529659…

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