Ashley Salvador Profile picture
Edmonton City Councillor for #WardMétis. #YEG Urban Planner, Sustainability & Sociologist. Founder. Cities, climate action, health, inclusion. She/her #yegcc

May 31, 2022, 9 tweets

I recently switched up my commute to #yegdt so that I could test out the new #yegbike infrastructure in AB Ave.

Join me on this part of my commute home and see 4 different forms of infra. Also...has this route been given a quirky name yet? Any suggestions? #yegbike #WardMétis🧵

As we get to Alberta Avenue from downtown, all we have North-South are painted lanes and sharrows. It's not giving All Ages and Abilities.

I suspect we're limited here by the narrow road width and a decision was made to protect one lane of street parking.

At 119 Ave, we arrive at a 'Two-Way Separated Bike Lane on Right-Side of Two-Way Street.' Just like the Garsconastrasse or Oliverbahn (we're going to rename that right?), this route is quite popular.

We took my mom on a ride here to rank each of the bike lanes. This was her fav.

One aspect I love about this route is the two transitions that occur at dead ends for vehicles. Active modes have a straight shot, but drivers aren't able to use this to shortcut through a neighbourhood.

Notice the clear connection that aids with wayfinding.

Now we're onto a new type of separated lane. These are 'One-Way Separated Bike Lanes on a Two-Way Street.'

These are very comfortable with minimal vehicle traffic. I like that bikes have the right of way at every intersection. No stopping and starting.

We hit another transition point where we are placed on 'Raised Lanes on a Two-Way Street' without buffers.

I love the separation from traffic, but watch out for the door zone. A minimum 2ft buffer is preferred, but I'm just happy to not have to "share" the road.

We hit two bike detectors along the way!🚨 See the blue bulb above the stop sign? These sensors are great! I am noticing them at more locations around #WardMetis.

The raised lanes continue all the way to the shared-use path beside the LRT that takes me pretty close to my home.

Thanks for joining me on the ride!

Have you tried out this route? What do you think of the different lane styles?

If you'd like to know more about all the kinds of AAA bicycle infrastructure one great resource is this NACTO guide:…

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