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Catholic 🇻🇦, Cajun⚜️, OSR 👹 Miskatonic University Alum 👾 T.E.R. (no F. no S.W.) 👽 #Rolemaster

May 31, 2022, 6 tweets


A book I've only been recently made aware of but I'm sure it fits as is causing a lot of real world issues right now.
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Or how to destroy our schools.

Thank you @ConceptualJames


You'll get better and deeper thoughts out of @calvinandhobbes



What can really be said about Rousseau

Disclose on the origin and foundations of inequality among men


It's been debunked by actual historians over and over but the mainstream media keeps pushing the 1619 Project as the deepest truth.


Proof that not everyone's every thought is worth a much as other ones they have had.


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