Kris Gibson #50sWomen #CEDAWinLAW ♀️51% Profile picture
I campaign for #50sWomen #OneVoice & #CEDAW implemented into domestic law Reposts not endorsements

Jun 1, 2022, 8 tweets

7. Since I wrote 🧵⬆️ Oct 2020:
💥Disability-free life expectancy has gone into reverse, especially for #women, now 62 yrs
💥 Life expectancy flatlined since 2010
💥Supreme Court rejected #BackTo60 judicial review appeal as "out of time" #WednesburyUnreasonableness?
⬇️ cont

💥#triplelock suspended contrary to manifesto promise, further devaluing #StatePension FOREVER
💥just as many asset-stripped #50sWomen finally reach or near twice-delayed retirement
💥220k #50sWomen will have died by end 2022

💥 #EDM2296 supported by 225 MPs across parties was timed out by the illegal? prorogation of Parliament
💥 @UKLabour put 58bn on the table to resolve the #50sWomen issue but weren't elected
💥 @PHSOmbudsman is carrying out a much delayed & many would argue flawed investigation

Several FURTHER examples of DWP mismanagement of women's #pensions have come to light, in addition to failing to write to #50sWomen for 14+yrs
💥Underpayment to older women
💥Repeated miscalculations for widowed/divorced
💥Delays to 1st payment even though benefits stopped

💥No means to claim for loss of #GuaranteedMinimumPension payments affecting many women, despite #PHSO request
💥In 2017-18, >71% of #pensions tax relief went to men
💥3m♀️ don't earn enough to have #autoenrolment, which widens gap between low & high earners anyway

💥Among 65–74 yr-olds median private pension wealth is £182.4k for men & £25k for women
💥1.2m ♀️ in their 50s have NO private pension
💥#GenderPensionsGap is still approx.38%
💥MPs protected their own pension scheme for anyone within 10 yrs of retirement

13. We will have our day in Court!
Although denied an appeal in #SupremeCourt in a breath-taking example of #WednesburyUnreasonableness as "out of time" our case will be heard by #CEDAWinLAW People's Tribunal on 13 July 2022
#50sWomen will not be silenced!

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