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Jun 1, 2022, 7 tweets

Mumsnet: Why should we believe anything you say, when it is proven that you're a habitual liar?

Boris Johnson: Well..I..err..first of

#JohnsonOut #PlatinumJubilee

Mumsnet: As a teacher I would lose my job if I broke the law, why doesn't the same apply to the prime minister?

Boris Johnson: It felt like a work event

#Partygate #PlatinumJubilee

Johnson: It would not be responsible to resign

Mumsnet: You've lost the trust of the people

Johnson: Let's see about that

#JohnsonTheCorruptPM #PlatinumJubilee

Johnson: I was saying goodbye to colleagues

Mumsnet: Was it more important to hold leaving drinks for a colleague than to attend a funeral for loved ones?

Johnson: I understand how that questioner feels

#JohnsonLiedPeopleDied #PlatinumJubilee

Mumsnet: How can we trust you to make the right decisions for cost of living crisis?

Johnson: I talk to my constituents

Mumsnet: Your constituent says you don't do surgeries any more

Johnson: I talk to my constituents as much as I can

#JohnsonLies #PlatinumJubilee

Mumsnet: What is the last lie you told?

Johnson: aa..I..I..I..I..I try as..committed as I can

#JohnsonTheCorruptPM #PlatinumJubilee

Mumsnet: Do you even realise you've jeopardised peace in NI?

Johnson: The NI protocol is not functioning well, I negotiated the protocol

#JohnsonOut #PlatinumJubilee

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