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NYT bestselling journalist. Senior editor @TPostMillennial. Fact checker @CommunityNotes. Support my journalism & send news tips to:

Jun 2, 2022, 14 tweets

The latest #BLM hoax narrative about a police shooting in Kansas City:

.@ryanshead spread the hoax to thousands of people on Twitter:

AJ+ spread disinformation about the shooting as well.

Sociologist spreads disinformation about the shooting.

Pulitzer Prize winner @Laurie_Garrett falsely repeats the lie that the woman was unarmed.

Linda Saraour, an Islamist extremist & campaigner for freeing an antisemitic terrorist, spread lies about the shooting in Kansas City.

A grift just like Black Lives Matter Global Network.

People are donating money to the woman who brandished an illegal firearm and was shot by police in Kansas City. Leonna Hale has been charged with unlawful possession and use of a firearm.

Verified news and music magazine @TheSource was a source of disinformation about the armed Kansas City woman who brandished an illegal pistol and got shot.

BET repeatedly spread the lie about the Kansas City firearm suspect being unarmed. #BLM

More verified media spreading the hoax. #LeonnaHale

Islamist Linda Sarsour misleading her followers again.

Verified Des Moines chapter of BLM spread the lie about Leonna Hale being unarmed:

Talia “Jane” Ben-Ora, a far-left activist based in New York City, doing what she does best by misinforming her followers.

Kimberlé Crenshaw, an academic who teaches intersectionality and critical race theory, repeats the lie that Leonna Hale was unarmed.

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