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Writer, Commentator, Strategist, Hopium Purveyor | NDN, DNC, DCCC, Clinton War Room, ABC News | Slava Ukraini! | My political home -

Jun 3, 2022, 11 tweets

The monthly @BLS_gov jobs report is out, and it is another good one.

And it's time for our monthly #Jobsday thread!

33.8m jobs - 16 years Clinton Obama
8.7m jobs - 16 months Biden
1.9m jobs - 16 yrs of 2 Bushes Trump

4 times more Biden jobs than last 3 Rs COMBINED. 1/

Words we should be using

strong recovery continues
remarkable ongoing strength, vitality of US economy
lows/near lows in uninsured, poverty, unemployed


Jobs created per month:

Biden - 543,000
Clinton/Obama - 176,000
2 Bushes/Trump - 9,600

Biden job creation rate 50 times rate of last 3 GOP Presidents. 50 times.

Look at the R number - 9,600 a month for 16 years.


There are now twice as many jobs openings in the US as there are unemployed people.

It's a stunning statistic, one we are likely to ever see again. 4/…

GDP growth under Biden is more than twice the rate than the average of the last 3 GOP Presidents.


New businesses continued to be started at historically high rates. Love this chart. US has seen an explosion of entrepreneurship, ingenuity in a time of great challenge.

Speaks powerfully to our character, our grit, our resilience. We are not being "crushed." 6/

Yes inflation is too high, but typical American worker who works full time is still coming out ahead.

Majority of American workers are not falling behind, still coming out ahead. Data from Atlanta Fed. 7/

Of the 44m jobs created in America since 1989 42m - 96% - have been created under Democratic Presidents. Basically all of them.

Rs have not done their part to move the country forward over many decades now. 8/

To recap:

4 times as many Biden jobs as last 3 GOP Presidents combined

Twice as many job openings as unemployed people

Historic rate of new business formation

Biden job growth 50x per month last 3 Rs

Of 44m jobs created since 1989 42m under Dems


If you want to dive deeper into this data we are hosting a live Zoom based discussion today at noon w/noted economist @robshapiro, and have two presentations of this data in the coming weeks.

Learn more, register below: 10/…

Adding this from @bencasselman - a reminder that the lowest wage workers have done the best in this recovery, and have seen their wages rise much faster than inflation. 11/

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