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Jun 3, 2022, 18 tweets

🧵 thread 1/18

A thread on how there is an sophisticated attack on fundamental islamic principles in somali society with the aim of replacing them with western liberal values and the role western funded institutions as sahan & civil activist have in it.

#somalia #mogadishu


This thread will be focused on a report done by the rand corporation a US funded think tank that aims to reform islam by dividing up muslims and then allying with one against the other.

Here is a link to the report…


The report argues that the 🇺🇸 has 3 potential partners in muslim societies

1st : secularist
2nd : liberal muslims
3rd : moderate traditionalist incl sufis

Here are the report’s definition of these 3 groups


To paraphrase it the report argues that these 3 groups are easily manipulated and are not so grounded on religious text but are more emotional & traditional based so therefore could be easier persuaded to reform islam and embrace western liberalism.


Well who are they being put up against ?

The report labels that group the islamist those that basically want the sharia to be at the basis of any law governing them ! a recent separate study has shown ( pic 2 ) that the overwhelming majority in Somalia hold that position.


The report argues that western institutions should empower these 3 groups vs the islamist who they label fundamentalist simply meaning those that only accept the quran and sunnah as their guidance ( the overwhelming majority in 🇸🇴) and not traditions or emotional arguments


The report states that the participation of muslim women is necessary in order to reform islam and argues that promoting gender equality empowers moderate muslims ( muslims who believe islam & liberalism are compatible )


They also argue that women groups provide the main impetus ( impetus definition 👇) for implementing progressive reforms in islam.

To simply paraphrase it : muslim women are an important tool in dismantling islamic principles.

A good Examples is feminism


Here are 6 examples of western funded ngo’s as sahan research & others epromoting suffism & gender based equality in somalia 👇

Here are the women rand was calling for all of these programs are fully paid by western govt’s


Here is very famous one 👇 this woman clearly reading from a script is made/paid to make false allegations and statements that are in conflict with islamic values.

Exactly as the rand report suggested


Here is another example of using muslim women just to attack islam

Is this bbc documentary that was made to potray somali society as a male dominated society oppressing women on religious basis, proof 👇 here is a link to the documentary


The rand report also suggest the promotion of sufism

Here is rashid abdi who works for sahan research center a western funded research centrr promoting sufism exactly as rand paul suggested he should !


Here is more of rashid abdi glorifying sufism and the idea behind it is to promote the idea that there is no true one islam and therefore we shouldn’t be so strict in our islamic principles and basically transforming islam in some sort of peace hippie religion !


After rashid has tested the waters and feels confidence enough he makes the claim that there is no one true islam and that multiple paths can lead you to heaven exactly as how the rand report suggested ! He doesn’t even backdown when faced criticism !👇


To make it clear rashid abdi has zero knowledge on islam and even calls for the worship of others besides allah by claiming men can pray to saints and not allah and still get to heaven👇this is major shirk/apostasy and goes against the basic principles of la ilaha illallah


Here rashid abdi asking somalis do you want to be a modern state with LIBERAL CIVILISED VALUES or a medieval islamic state !! ( look at the framing )

And he is calling for the sufis to be tough on the salafis and fight them 👇


Here are clear manifestations of rand’s report ! I could go on for ages with example after example !

We are announcing that we are countering the rand report with a counter report called the stand report meaning somalis will stand their ground against the manipulations.


I am not perse arguing against liberalism/democracy here ! I am trying 2 highlight the manipulative tactics used to influence somali society into a liberal oriented society without the consent of the people and under manipulative tactics directed against islamic principles

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