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Voices of VR Podcast host: Insatiably curious, XR oral historian, & aspiring philosopher. Patreon at

Jun 6, 2022, 11 tweets

🎉THREAD of an 8-part Voices of VR podcast series on XR Ethics covering the white papers produced by @IEEESA's Global Initiative on the Ethics of Extended Reality.

1st ep is on VR Harassment & Trolling with @theextendedmind & @ellecortese…

Video Overview

2/ Links to PDFs of 1st four IEEE XR Ethics White Papers.

Trolling, Harassment, & Online Safety:…

Diversity, Inclusion, & Accessibility in XR:…

XR Privacy:…

Virtual Clones & Identity:…

3/ Links to 3 other IEEE XR Ethics White Paper PDFs published so far (Metaverse & Governance paper coming soon).

XR Ethics in Business, Finance, & Economics:…

XR Ethics in Medicine:…

XR Ethics in Education:…

4/ @IEEESA Global Initiative on the Ethics of Extended Reality:…

Blog w abstracts of XR Ethics White Papers:…

Executive Committee includes @moniquejmorrow, @justMathana, myself, @elenimangina, & @johnchavens.

5/ The 2nd IEEE XR Ethics White Paper & podcast episode covers Diversity, Inclusion, & Accessibility with @XRAccess' @UsabilityFox & sociologist Isabel Guenette Thornton.

We cover the MANY open #a11y & equity XR tech & policy questions yet to be solved:…

6/ This 2+ hour conversation w/ Mark McGill is my deepest dive into XR Privacy yet.
He was the lead author on the IEEE XR Ethics paper on Privacy & a HCI researcher investigating AR bystander privacy challenges.
S0 many XR #privacy questions & challenges🔒…

7/ Next @IEEESA XR Ethics Paper I cover is Virtual Clones & the Right to Your Identity by @KuggenMedialab & @justMathana.

Who am I?
Who am I perceived to be?
Unpacking the "risk is that everyone will be able to (virtually) do anything to anyone."…

8/ What will the dominant business model of XR be?
More Surveillance Capitalism?
Or some new mode of value exchange?

This IEEE XR Ethics white paper on "Business, Finance, & Economics" by Mike Middleton has 24 recommendations to avoid ethical pitfalls.…

9/ The next chapter is about Ethics in Medical XR by @Nurenyx co-founders Jason Evans & Palak Patel as well as bioethicist Georgia Livieri.

We reflect on Medical XR, telemedicine insights, XR accessibility challenges + need for a Medical ethics framework.…

10/ The next IEEE XR chapter is about XR Ethics in Education by @elenimangina as we cover the range of challenges around Equity, Acceptance, Safety, & Privacy within educational XR experiences.…

11/ The Final Paper in @IEEESA's Global Initiative on the Ethics of Extended Reality I cover in my series is on the "Metaverse and Its Governance" with @Melodena walking through the many broader ethical issues spanning across domains of the XR industry.…

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