Ryan | strangeruff.eth 🌹🧬🐝🧬🌸🌱🌓🌕🌗🌚🪴🌺🔮 Profile picture
Lover of Life! 🕳 || 🌭|| Dad/dev for @ForkHungerNFT || Chief of @anthrobotany for @FlowerGirlsNFT | Small & Mighty Dev for @PlaguePoppets

Jun 9, 2022, 17 tweets

Everything you wanted to know about $SeedsOfLove, the new- dare I say revolutionary?- #NFT held in an inter-Ethereal inter-dimensional #SeedPurse by @FlowerGirlsNFT holders on @0xPolygon.
It's a hybrid token that acts as a #soulbound ERC-1155 NFT full of tradable ERC-20 tokens 🧵

🪡 First, a bit of storytelling..

Where did these seeds come from? Why do they look so awesome? Do they really each have unique DNA? 🪡

🪡 Thanks for asking! The Flower Girls are 10k $ETH NFTs. They were created by @VarvaraAlay and are pretty objectively beautiful. Each one has one or two #FlyingCompanions like bees, birds, bats, even fairies. They're also beautiful. And useful! 🪡

🪡 Every day, these companions fly around the Flowersphere, where all 10k Flower Girls live in community with one another. When they visit, they pick up and drop pollen, fertilizing seeds, and cheer on their Flower Girls to help those seeds grow! 🪡

🪡 The whole thing's been happening whether you were aware of it or not for a couple of months now! Attentive Gardeners have been watching their gardens closely in our Discord, being sure to mint free #DrawingInspirations weekly educational NFTs by child artists 🪡

🪡 The FGs produce seeds naturally, so they've come to treat them as rather fungible. Within the #SeedEconomy, 1 Seed = 1 Seed. Attentive collectors, however, might notice that each seed has DNA of its progenitor and pollen donor. That DNA results in unique visual traits. 🪡

🪡 The main reason for Seeds existing, of course, is to plant them in Venusian Gardens when the FGs can't keep up with the demand for their attention by those of us who enjoy holding them too much to sell them. A new generation will bloom. 🪡

🪡 In the meantime, however, Flower Girls holders can use them to trade for NFTs, IRL items, and even "Token-Bound" tokens, which we'll be talking about more very soon in another thread 😉 There will be plenty to do with Seeds in addition to saving or minting them as NFTs.🪡

🪡 "Sure, sure," I hear you say, "but tell us about this wild thing that just showed up in my wallet!"
Fine, fine. You've been patient enough. Here's why the Seed Purse / $SeedsOfLove is such a cool Smart Contract:
*hint: it's not because of the GM Bird in the source code 🪡

🪡 Now I know it's not a goblin or a literal pile of feces (hey, maybe FGs could use them as fertilizer!) but bear with me...
A Seed Purse is an NFT with interactive art attached to it, but the tokenId is literally the numeric representation of your wallet address. 🪡

🪡 This is where things start to get interesting. So when you transfer seeds via the Seed Purse contract, the amount held in your purse goes down, and the amount held by someone else in *their* purse goes UP. The NFT stays, but the balances change. There's also a 50% SEED tax.🪡

🪡 The tax is an adjustable economic lever, its primary function to be deflationary and inspire difficult choices. Do I want to buy the animated Flower Girl TBT for 100 if I know it'll also burn 50 of my seeds? Or should I hold for the next gen? 🪡

🪡 Beyond being sellable/transferrable on OpenSea and other marketplaces that support Polygon, the token is also fully compliant with ERC-20 and can be swapped on those platforms and protocols as well!🪡

🪡 One advantage of using OpenSea for the exchange, though, is that the entire experience is completely gas-less. We've incorporated their meta-transactions protocol powered by @0xProject to allow you to list, bid, buy, and sell SEEDS with no gas requirement at all. 🪡

🪡 That's all for my Ted Talk at the moment, but I'd love for those interested to review the Smart Contract, ask questions, build on it, and of course join the @FlowerGirlsNFT community where I'm available basically all the time 🪡 polygonscan.com/address/0xe3a8…

🪡You can check out the current Seed Purses on Open Sea: opensea.io/collection/flo…
By the end of this week, every @FlowerGirlsNFT holder who has held for at least 30 days will have their first seeds and purse delivered! Art for individual seeds will be finalized by next week! 🧵

If you're into that sort of thing, give this thread a RT so more people find out about the beautiful Flower Girls and the cool stuff we're building!

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