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Jun 10, 2022, 18 tweets

January 6 Documents Reveal Plans to Overturn 2020 Election as Military Questions Deepen
Congress investigates military role in Jan. 6; Generals warn of rogue military personnel in future coup attempts
[Dec 2021] unicornriot.ninja/2021/january-6…

Deep dive #January6 questions: Political operatives discussed how to overturn election | “Absolute and unmitigated liars”: controversy over ‘civil disturbance’ emergency military actions | National Guard Timeline conflicts & Last-second DCNG policy changes unicornriot.ninja/2021/january-6…

Mark Meadows, former President Trump's Chief of Staff, had documents calling for federalized national guard troops & tossing out millions of votes in the 2020 election. unicornriot.ninja/2021/january-6…

Another new document shows, rarely used military assets beyond standard National Guard riot control measures were briefly considered on January 6 as “Continuity of Operations” of the U.S. Congress (namely certifying final steps of the election) were endangered and delayed.

Col. Earl Matthews, a former D.C. National Guard (DCNG) official, accused General Charles Flynn and Lieutenant General Walter Piatt of lying to Congress, claiming that a fictitious timeline of events was put together by the Pentagon Inspector General to benefit them in hindsight.

Col. Matthews dubbed Flynn and Piatt “absolute and unmitigated liars” in a 36-page memo titled “The Harder Right: An Analysis of a Recent DoD Inspector General Investigation and Other Matters”. He also says that the Army’s internal report misstated the truth.

A conference call that started at 2:30 p.m., b/w national Pentagon leadership and DCNG. How exactly did the senior military leadership effectively pause during the riot and drag its feet in the process of considering how to send in several hundred DC Natl Guard members?

Col Matthews looked at how the National Guard was held back from moving in by high level US Army commanders on the conference call, and accused Gens Flynn and Piatt of 'perjured testimony' before Congress:

On military timeline documents Unicorn Riot looked at, at 3:42 p.m., a rarely spotted federal authority to mobilize military: “North Command Title 10 members not to be used.” -- Refers to active duty domestic troops
"CONPLAN 3502" is a NORTHCOM civil disturbance plan related here

The 2021 Domestic Operational Law Handbook for Judge Advocates covers "Civil Disturbance Operations" in great detail -- this policy framework is the most current formalized American version of what many might call 'martial law'

Last-second change to standing DC National Guard “Quick Reaction Force” orders - on Jan. 4 they were forbidden from being “issued weapons, ammunition, bayonets, batons or ballistic protection equipment such as helmets and body armor,” the use of “riot control agents,” and so on.

Michael Flynn, the CIA general and the ‘long game’
Today, Charles Flynn is the commanding general of the U.S. Army Pacific. His brother, former Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn continues to attract political controversy for promoting an army of “digital soldiers.”

A longtime patron of the Flynn family was Gen. John Singlaub, who finally passed away in Jan 2022 at age 100, after a long and secretive career:
A master architect of America’s covert empire, intertwined with its secret history since the days of the CIA’s predecessor the OSS.

Matt Farwell in TNR examined "What is Michael Flynn's Long Game?" out in the wilderness of the American Right. Singlaub's rolodex of contacts would be invaluable in building a network -- he was active in #IranContra, the World Anti-Communist League, and special ops in Vietnam.

A few weeks before January 6, Gen. Singlaub posed with Mike Flynn and Phyllis Schlafly Eagles Forum President Ed Martin (both subpoenaed by the Jan 6 committee). Flynn and Steve Bannon both praised Singlaub at the Forum in prev. years.

On December 1, 2020, Mike Flynn tweeted a press release from an Ohio-based group that wanted Trump to “immediately declare a limited form of Martial Law, and temporarily suspend the Constitution and civilian control of these elections.”

Flynn's provocative statement on Newsmax Dec 17 2020 prompted ten former defense secretaries to declare “Involving the military in election disputes would cross into dangerous territory” in an opinion piece that ran in the Washington Post on Jan 3 2021.

Examine the documents: Unicorn Riot rounded up obscure policy documents, including everything we could find on domestic military activity around Jan 6, in full for you to review, including the 'coup PowerPoint' possessed by Mark Meadows: unicornriot.ninja/2021/january-6…

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