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Secondary school student. Fighting for the rights of women & girls. "Clear-headed with a low tolerance for bullshit." "One of the nastiest GCs on X" 🫡

Jun 11, 2022, 8 tweets

Summary of the #TerfCutter #LynnBoylan debacle this week.

On Thursday, I was casually scrolling through Twitter, when I came across this disgusting, misogynistic tweet. An insult to women and a threat against them in one image. #WomensRightsAreHumanRights

Happily it only had one “like”. Out of curiosity, I clicked in to find out what misogynist had liked the tweet. I was shocked to discover that the person who had liked the tweet was Lynn Boylan @LNBDublin. A senator from @sinnfeinireland

Lynn Boylan, a woman who claims to be a feminist, liked a tweet that celebrates violence against women. I found this outrageous and decided to confront her on twitter. This is not the sort of behaviour I expect from public figures.

Although I was outraged, my tweet to Lynn Boylan was perfectly civil but Lynn’s first action was to block me.

Since then Lynn Boylan has deactivated her account. The cowardice. Why doesn’t she just admit she was wrong and apologise? I mean, we teach toddlers how to do this. Why can’t a fully grown woman take responsibility for her actions?

A big thank you to @iseult, @TheCountessIE and everyone whose combined actions helped to shine a light on the everyday misogyny women experience in Ireland. Violent threats are completely unacceptable and no politician should ever endorse them in any way. #EverdayMisogyny

Also, the sticker in the picture Lynn Boylan liked, has since been removed thanks to some lads I know down in Dublin. Thanks to them as well - you know who you are!

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