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Jun 11, 2022, 51 tweets

Breaking: Around 20 neonazi Patriot Front members detained then arrested in Coeur d'Alene Idaho (vid: @alissaazar)

Last months we released 17 hrs audio from PNW chapter's meetings: unicornriot.ninja/2022/patriot-f…

@AlissaAzar 400+ GB of Patriot Front neonazi leaks here, including 55,249 RocketChat messages and file attachments: unicornriot.ninja/2022/patriot-f…

@AlissaAzar In a 9/6/21 leaked audio chat, Patriot Front Pacific Northwest (Network 8) leader Colton Brown said “Idaho guys… aren’t the most reliable”

@AlissaAzar Patriot Front members have repeatedly targeted the LGBTQ community - leaked calls show that their PNW chapter (which includes Idaho) planned the destruction of a gay pride mural in Olympia, WA last October: unicornriot.ninja/2022/patriot-f…

One Idaho-based member of Patriot Front using the moniker 'Johnny ID' crossed state lines to help his fellow neo-nazis wreck the @cityofolympia gay pride mural. His leaked messages from PF's RocketChat server can be browsed here: discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/rocket-chat/us…

'Johnny Idaho' and other Patriot Front members from Washington & Oregon defaced the @cityofolympia gay pride mural in the early a.m. of Oct. 16, 2021. The next day they held a meeting where the debriefed on details of their bias-motivated vandalism:

One Patriot Front leader arrested in #CoeurDAlene today is Kieran Morris - he lives w PF founder & wannabe cowboy dictator Thomas Rousseau at PF HQ in Haslet, TX.

Morris’ PF alias is ‘Patrick TX’ - you can view his leaked Rocketchat message history here: discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/rocket-chat/us…

In Patriot Front files we leaked, Kieran Patrick Morris is seen climbing onto a restricted railway bridge in Dallas, TX in Sept. 2021 to spray paint Nazi graffiti.

Leaked media guide: unicornriot.ninja/a-guide-to-pat…

[Direct link to the 'Dallas Stencil' files: unicornriot.ninja/a-guide-to-pat…]

Other leaked video shows Kieran Morris training Patriot Front members for organized street violence during demonstrations they attend under the leadership of himself or Thomas Rousseau (Rousseau seen here on right w tank top, clipboard).

[Files here: vault.unicornriot.ninja/patriotfrontle…]

In this video, Kieran Morris aka ‘Patrick TX‘ tells the Patriot Front "shield wall" team training under him that their shields are meant to “be intimidating” against liberal and anti-racist counter-protesters.

Source: MVI_0864.MOV from this folder: vault.unicornriot.ninja/patriotfrontle…

Patriot Front members arrived in a rented box truck in #CoeurDAlene, Idaho today before being arrested. They often use this method of transport despite members telling leader Thomas Rousseau that being crammed in an unventilated windowless U-Haul often makes them panic and vomit:

(Source: Dec. 6, 2021 Rocketchat DM from ‘ND - Ben CO’ to Thomas Rousseau: discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/rocket-chat/me… )

Leaked Patriot Front source materials:

2017 Discord chat leak: unicornriot.ninja/2017/southern-…

Direct link to 2017 chats: discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/discord/server…

2018 Discord and voice chat leak: unicornriot.ninja/2018/americans…

Direct link to 2018 chats: discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/discord/channe…

Leaked Patriot Front source materials (cont’d):

2021 Rocketchat logs (recruitment server): discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/rocket-chat/se…

2021 Rocketchat logs & DMs (main member chat): discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/rocket-chat/se…

Leaked Patriot Front source materials (cont’d): >400GB of leaked 2021 photo/video showing members doing vandalism and combat training etc: vault.unicornriot.ninja/patriotfrontle…

A companion guide to the massive PF media files leak: unicornriot.ninja/a-guide-to-pat…

Leaked Patriot Front source materials (cont’d):

.mp3 files of 22 voice chat meetings held over their self-hosted Mumble VOIP server: vault.unicornriot.ninja/patriotfrontle…

Transcripts for each meeting are here: vault.unicornriot.ninja/patriotfrontle…

Meeting audios in video format: unicornriot.ninja/2022/patriot-f…

See this thread for a detailed breakdown of highlights of the leaked Patriot Front meetings where they discuss plans to intimidate and harass non-white ethnicities, LGBTQ people and women:

We’ll be releasing more exclusive info on Patriot Front in the coming weeks. Your support allows our work to continue: unicornriot.ninja/donate

Breaking: #CoeurDAlene and Idaho police just announced in a press conference that 31 people from the Patriot Front seeking to confront the #Pride event group were arrested and charged with Conspiracy to Riot.

Patriot Front's founder & leader Thomas Rousseau seems to have been among the 31 PF members arrested and charged with Conspiracy to Riot in connection with actions against #Pride activities in #CoeurDAlene, Idaho today. (Image source:
North Country Off Grid/YouTube)

View Thomas Rousseau's leaked 2020-2021 Patriot Front Rocketchat chat log & direct message activity here: discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/rocket-chat/us…

Rousseau's leaked Discord chat history (1 - 2017): discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/discord/user/1…

Rousseau Discord chat leaks (2 - 2017-2018): discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/discord/user/1…

A deposition of Rousseau was played in federal court last year - he was grilled about his extensive role in planning violence at the August 2017 #UniteTheRight rally in Charlottesville.

In a planning chat he wrote "I want to see...blood on the pavement": unicornriot.ninja/2021/sines-v-k…

Vanguard America was found liable for $1 million in a civil suit brought by survivors of brutal racist violence at the Charlottesville rally Rousseau helped organize: unicornriot.ninja/2021/jury-26m-…

(Rousseau rebranded Vanguard America as Patriot Front after the Charlottesville rally.)

Another Patriot Front leader among those arrested at today's #CoeurDAlene, Idaho #Pride event: Graham Jones Whitson works for neo-nazi propaganda outlet Media2Rise. He's roommates w Thomas Rousseau & Kieran Morris at PF HQ in TX.

(Image source: North Country Off Grid/YouTube)

Leaked Patriot Front Rocketchat server activity by Graham Jones Whitson aka 'Mason TX' can be browsed/searched here: discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/rocket-chat/us…

Graham Whitson accompanied Kieran Morris on September 26, 2021 when the pair spray painted neo-nazi stencils on the Dallas, TX train bridge.

See earlier tweet for the leaked source material:

Graham Whitson aka 'Mason TX', like Thomas Rousseau and Kieran Morris, leads drilling activities where Patriot Front members are trained to participate in violent fascist street marches.

[Source: leaked video file MVI_0816.mov from this archive folder: vault.unicornriot.ninja/patriotfrontle… ]

This unidentified Patriot Front member seen being arrested with his neo-nazi comrades earlier today in #CoeurDAlene, Idaho is 'Joshua UT' in the leaked logs of PF's Rocketchat server: discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/rocket-chat/us…

'Joshua UT' can be seen on the far left in this picture from a leaked photo/video album from a Patriot Front camping/training trip to Mt. Zion National Park in Utah on Nov. 19, 2021. You can browse that album here: vault.unicornriot.ninja/patriotfrontle…

This unnamed Patriot Front arrestee is 'ND - Christopher AL', one of the neo-nazi group's Network Directors based in Alabama.

Read his leaked PF Rocketchat message history here: discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/rocket-chat/us…

(Image source: North Country Off Grid/YouTube)

In this portion of a leaked Sept. 2, 2021 Patriot Front meeting, ‘ND - Christopher AL’ encourages members to “redpill” their friends and family on “the JQ” aka “the Jewish question”, a classic Nazi conspiracy trope that was used to justify the Holocaust.

The Patriot Front member being arrested in this livestream screenshot is more than likely Patriot Front Network 8 member 'David WA'.

View 'David WA' leaked Rocketchat message history here: discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/rocket-chat/us…

(L image: North Country Off Grid. R: Unicorn Riot/PF leaks)

According to 'David WA', the point of Patriot Front's vandalism is to "show people that you can do something like this, and you can get away with it." He also refers to Jews as "Lucifer."

('David WA' planned and took part in the Oct. 2021 @cityofolympia pride mural vandalism.)

Another Patriot Front arrest in #CoeurDAlene, #Idaho: James Julius Johnson aka 'Tyler WA.'

Johnson/'Tyler' is an active member of PF's Pacific Northwest 'Network 8' chapter and was involved in destroying the @cityofolympia gay pride mural.

His chats: discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/rocket-chat/us…

Also charged w Criminal Conspiracy after being arrested straight out of a U-Haul today is Justin O'Leary aka 'Ethan WA'. He was also involved in wrecking the Olympia, WA pride mural last year.

Read leaked Patriot Front Rocketchat logs from 'Ethan WA': discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/rocket-chat/us…

Here's a recording of Justin O'Leary's IRL interview to join Patriot Front: He said he was led to the group online after following far-right/fascist content creators like Nick Fuentes.

mp3: vault.unicornriot.ninja/patriotfrontle…

.pdf transcript: vault.unicornriot.ninja/patriotfrontle…

Also arrested and charged in #CoeurDAlene today is Illinois-based Patriot Front member Garret Joseph Garland.

He & others from PF vandalized a Black history mural in St. Louis last December.

Garland posted as 'Randolph IL' on Rocketchat - read logs here: discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/rocket-chat/us…

Patriot Front member Steven Derrick Tucker aka 'Don TX' on Rocketchat also arrested today in relation to #CoeurDAlene, #Idaho anti-#Pride mobilization and charged with Criminal Conspiracy/Riot.

His leaked Rocketchat logs are here: discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/rocket-chat/us…

Another confirmed Patriot Front #CoeurDAlene arrest - Mitchell Frederick Wagner aka ‘Kyle MO.’

He’s already facing a separate felony charge in Missouri for vandalizing a Black history mural in St. Louis last year.

Read his leaked chats here: discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/rocket-chat/us…

Yet another of Patriot Front's regional Network Directors turns up in the #CoeurDAlene #Pride Conspiracy/Riot arrest data.

Cameron Pruitt aka 'ND - Jon UT' already faces other criminal charges in Utah for neo-nazi vandalism.

His leaked Rocketchat logs: discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/rocket-chat/us…

Patriot Front's Pacific Northwest Network 8 Director Colton Michael Brown ('ND - John WA') also arrested and charged w Conspiracy/Riot in #CouerDAlene today.

You can access 2,962 of his leaked PF Rocketchat message logs in our leak database: discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/rocket-chat/us…

We recently published over a dozen hours of meetings of where Colton Brown aka 'ND - John WA' repeatedly directs/pressures his chapter's members, including minors, to commit racist vandalism on behalf of Patriot Front: unicornriot.ninja/2022/patriot-f…

Back in September 2020 Brown's activities with Patriot Front got the attention of local WA detectives working with an FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force:

Lawrence Alexander Norman ('Frederick OR') among Patriot Front members arrested en route to confront #Pride event in #CouerDAlene today.

He defaced the Olympia, WA pride mural last Oct. along w most of PF's Network 8.

His leaked chat history is here: discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/rocket-chat/us…

We can confirm that the Wesley Evan Van Horn booked in #CoeurDAlene today is Patriot Front's Alabama Network Director 'ND - Christopher AL'. He prev. traveled to DC for Patriot Front's December 4, 2021 march.

Van Horn's chat logs: discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/rocket-chat/us…

Wesley Evan Van Horn aka 'ND - Christopher AL' is a committed antisemite and works to grow Patriot Front's ability to intimidate people of color and LGBTQ communities in the American southeast.

Patriot Front member Spencer Thomas Simpson arrested yesterday is tied to the Rocketchat alias ‘David WA’, he’s been involved in numerous acts of racist and homophobic vandalism in the Pacific Northwest & thinks Jews all go to hell.

His leaked chats: discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/rocket-chat/us…

Winston Durham, arrested on Conspiracy/Riot in #CoeurDAlene #Idaho with the #PatriotFront group seeking to confront #Pride event, is 'Marcus WA/ID' from Patriot Front's leaked Rocketchat logs: discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/rocket-chat/us…

Nathaniel Whitfield, arrested on Conspiracy/Riot in #CoeurDAlene #Idaho with the #PatriotFront group seeking to confront #Pride event yesterday, is 'Joshua UT' in Patriot Front's leaked chats: discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/rocket-chat/us…

Devin Wayne Center of Arkansas, charged w Conspiracy/Riot after he was arrested on his way to confront #Pride in #CoeurDAlene, ID with Patriot Front on Sat., is 'Nathan AR' in leaked PF chats available here: discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/rocket-chat/us…

Leaked Patriot Front files show Devin Center / 'Nathan AR' vandalized a #StopAsianHate mural in Atlanta, GA Sept. 17, 2021 in leaked vids available here: vault.unicornriot.ninja/patriotfrontle…

Also involved: Patriot Front member Graham Whitson aka 'Mason TX', also arrested yday in #CoeurDAlene

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