Josiah Hawthorne Profile picture
I'm not Young, Restless, or Reformed -- I'm Old, Exhausted, and (Ana)Baptist. Half Took, Half Baggins. 💍 @prov318. #ADHD. He/him.

Jun 12, 2022, 7 tweets

Ascol recap - Tom at previous SBC annual meetings

2018: Tom is disappointed he couldn't publicly ask Russell Moore a "gotcha" about if the SBC should host conferences named after abusers. (This was a reference to the SBC-hosted MLK Jr. conference.)

Also: Doug Wilson quote?


2019 : Tom Ascol is VERY upset about Resolution 9 b/c it cautiously says CRT can be a useful tool.

Also 2019: Tom Ascol records Kyle J Howard w/o his knowledge, through a lapel mic, under false pretenses, for a documentary filmed by Marcus Pittman & Jared Longshore.


2020: In the months previous, Tom quotes his own documentary regarding the SBC, urging his followers to "take the ship," a phrase that would be endlessly re-echoed by his CBN "pirate" allies a year later.

He also critiqued SEBTS for talking about racial injustice.


2021: Before and during the conference Ascol was focused on a resolution denouncing CRT, and a resolution on total abortion abolition.

If Ascol was your news source for #SBC21 you'd have no clue about the presence of abuse survivors or the abuse-related resolutions.


Immediately after 2021: SermonGate. Ascol launches an all-out Tweet war on JD Greear and Ed Litton almost before the ink on the ballots was dry.


I think it's a fair prediction that Ascol's presidency would

--Continue Resurgence purity wars, with "sufficiency" instead of inerrancy
--Step up attacks on female leaders in Baptist churches
--Fight racial reconciliation
--Ignore survivors and the SATF recommendations


Addendum: I'm sure because I said this, someone will accuse me of being divisive, unChristian, something.

Some things are worth dividing from.

And Tom Ascol's track record isn't of a person who could #changethedirection of the SBC. It's "more of the same."



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