Katie Dunleavy Profile picture
GI Fellow @mayoclinicGIHep, Research 🔥#IBD & #Neurogastroenterology | Residency @MountSinaiNYC | Alum:🍀@RCSI_Irl @Middlebury | 🎵Opera singer (she/her)👩🏼‍⚕️

Jun 13, 2022, 6 tweets

@MondayNightIBD @DCharabaty 1/12
📣#GITwitter #IBDTwitter

Welcome back to #MondayNightIBD #Back2Basics w @dunleavy_katie @john_damianosMD

🎯How do you approach a pt w #IBD in remission who has new or persistent #GI symptoms?

Check out our review📜

#NeuroGI #GastroPsych #DGBI

@MondayNightIBD @DCharabaty @john_damianosMD 2/12 #MondayNightIBD #B2B

👩🏼‍⚕️have been studying “IBS-type symptoms” in #IBD for 30 yrs. But there is more work to be done to help characterize cohort & dz mechanism!

It’s important bc:
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Affects pts QoL, mental health, sleep
🥼Causes ⬆️HC utilization, ⬆️MD visits & 💊narcotics

@MondayNightIBD @DCharabaty @john_damianosMD @MarcelYibirin @VictorChedidMD @LauraRaffalsMD @Spencerkelley7 @RomyChamoun @JosephHabibi_MD @ayshaslam999 @GroverDheera @yaransarkis @BassiMehak 3/12 #MondayNightIBD Persistent/New GI Sx in #IBD
1⃣R/o active🔥/#IBD complication (abscess, stricture):🔦, 🩻, CRP, FCP, ⚠️R/o infx like C. Difficile!

2⃣🤔Consequences of✂️: adhesion, bile acid diarrhea

3⃣🤔 #DGBI
🚩25% pts w #IBD in endo remission have #IBS @LancetGastroHep

@MondayNightIBD @DCharabaty @john_damianosMD @MarcelYibirin @VictorChedidMD @LauraRaffalsMD @Spencerkelley7 @RomyChamoun @JosephHabibi_MD @ayshaslam999 @GroverDheera @yaransarkis @BassiMehak @LancetGastroHep @ifrahfatima @SanjeevaniTomar @PriSantiagoMD @LindaNguyenMD @alex_ford12399 @kanikasehgal_ @AdvaniRashmiMD @ManasiAgrawalMD @WalterChanMD @stevenbollipo 4/12 #MondayNightIBD

3️⃣R/o common mimickers
💊Pancreatic insufficiency
🥛Lactose/other sugar intolerance
🥶🥵Thyroid disorders
🤮Chronic GI infxn
🔬Microscopic colitis
🍔Bile acid diarrhea

Important bc many have targeted Rx!!

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