Mary | Futures trader Profile picture

Jun 13, 2022, 10 tweets

Running a real estate business can be hard.

With the right tools you can make it 10x easier.

Here are 7 (free) apps I use everyday:

1/ Zillow - For all things real estate

Zillow has the best real estate database & is the easiest app to use

I look at @zillow daily to
- source leads
- estimate rent prices
- track what is for sale & the price

I set alerts for specific property criteria so I don't miss deals

@zillow 2/ Tenant cloud - Best platform to manage rentals & tenants

I self manage my Florida properties & @tenantcloud has been a game changer (I have tried many other platforms)

I use it to
- collect rent from tenants
- list properties for rent
- screen tenants
- manage leases

@zillow @tenantcloud As I've scaled up to more properties (and more tenants), tenant cloud has made managing my portfolio a breeze. I spend less time now than when I had 1 tenant.

If you're interested, click here to sign up:

@zillow @tenantcloud 3/ Rentometer - Get rent prices in any market in the US

Knowing how much rent you can get for a property is important to knowing if a property is a good deal. @rentometer has accurate rent price data

I use it to
- Get rent price
- Compare property rents
- Compare market rents

@zillow @tenantcloud @rentometer 4/ - Find distressed properties

Deals come in all shapes & sizes - Foreclosed & bank-owned properties are some of the best and @auction is the best platform to find them.

I use it to
- find deals
- learn a new market
- set alerts for future auctions

@zillow @tenantcloud @rentometer @auction 5/ Dealcheck - Evaluate deals quickly

Dealcheck helps you run the numbers on multiple deals. You'll know quickly & easily if the property is a good invest.

I use @DealCheckApp to
- find cash on cash ROI
- determine cash flow
- determine cap rate
- Track all deals

@zillow @tenantcloud @rentometer @auction @DealCheckApp 6/ Personal Capital - Personal finance tracker

@PersonalCapital is an easy way to track your whole portfolio from stock investments to rental properties.

I use it to
- Update & analyze my networth
- monitor my stock portfolio
- track my 401k & IRAs
- plan retirement

@zillow @tenantcloud @rentometer @auction @DealCheckApp @PersonalCapital 7/ Google drive

My entire real estate business is on #googledrive using @googledocs & @googlesheets. You can share with anyone (realtors, contractors etc)

I use it to
- list potential deals
- keep a contractor list
- track rental documents
- input expenses & rent payments

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