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Jun 14, 2022, 14 tweets

Ouroboros is the consensus protocol for #Cardano, the first provably secure proof-of-stake protocol, and the first blockchain protocol based on peer-reviewed research.

Combining unique technology and mathematically verified processes, Ouroboros guarantees and supports the security and sustainability of any blockchain implementing it.

The result is a protocol with proven security guarantees, able to facilitate the propagation of global, permissionless networks with minimal energy requirements.

In this thread, we look at the different ‘flavors’ of Ouroboros and how it continues to evolve over time.

🤔But first, why is it called Ouroboros and how is it different from other consensus protocols out there?

Ouroboros comes in different versions. It all began with Ouroboros Classic 🌿deployed on Cardano in 2017. This laid the foundations.

Ouroboros BFT came next. Deployed on #Cardano in May 2020, it helped prepare Cardano’s network for Shelley’s release and, with that, its decentralization. BFT served as a transition point from Classic to Praos.


Ouroboros Praos was deployed on Cardano in 2020 introducing decentralized block production, stake pools support, incentives 🍬 and enhanced security properties 🛡️


The next evolutionary step in our journey is the deployment of Ouroboros Genesis. Development is currently in progress for #Cardano deployment in 2022.


Ouroboros Crypsinous equips Genesis with privacy-preserving properties🔐 Crypsinous isn’t currently planned to be implemented on Cardano, but it can be used by other chains for increased privacy settings.


⌛The research in the Chronos paper demonstrates how you can dramatically boost the resilience of critical telecommunications, transport & other IT infrastructures that require the synchronization of local time to a unified network clock that has no single point of failure

Finally, Ouroboros Leios puts forth the concept of input endorsers. It implements a number of related accompanying innovations to optimize the throughput of the consensus protocol.


Here’s a full picture view of all flavors of Ouroboros…


What is coming next for Ouroboros?

IOG Chief Scientist of IOG @sol3gga talks about Leios and input endorsers in the latest video - Advances in Ouroboros: Scaling for Future Growth.

Check it here:

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