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Jun 15, 2022, 8 tweets

Today is #WorldElderAbuseAwarenessDay!

1⃣ in 6⃣ older people are abused every year. This is unacceptable. Abuse results in harm to physical & mental health.


What is abuse of older people❓

Abuse of older people (60 years and older) can take various forms: physical, sexual, psychological, or financial. Abandonment and neglect, indignity and disrespect are all forms of abuse.

👉 #WorldElderAbuseAwarenessDay

Abuse of older people can happen anywhere. It occurs in homes, in long-term care facilities, even online. Many internet scams are targeted towards scamming older people. People who commit it are often in a position of trust.

👉 #WorldElderAbuseAwarenessDay

1⃣ To stop abuse of older people ▶️ we must 'combat #ageism'
Age-based stereotypes, prejudice & discrimination directed towards older people harms them.
More info👉 #WorldElderAbuseAwarenessDay

2⃣ To stop abuse of older people▶️ better & more robust data matters.

Abuse of older people can be addressed effectively if we invest in research, study the reasons, and the scale of the issue, and assess the solutions in place to combat it.

More info👉

3⃣ To stop abuse of older people ▶️ developing & scaling up solutions'

Governments & decision makers must find solutions and take action against abuse of older people.

More info👉 #WorldElderAbuseAwarenessDay

4⃣ To stop abuse of older people ▶️ we need to 'make an investment case'

Addressing abuse of older people safeguards human rights and improves lives. It reduces the costs to economies & societies.

More info👉 #WorldElderAbuseAwarenessDay

5⃣ To stop abuse of older people ▶️ stronger funding.

Tackling this issue effectively & combating the abuse against older people requires resources.

More info👉 #WorldElderAbuseAwarenessDay

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