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Jun 17, 2022, 9 tweets

WHO calls on all stakeholders to work together to deepen the value and commitment given to #MentalHealth, reshape the environments that influence mental health and strengthen the systems that care for people’s mental health: WHO #WorldMentalHealthReport

For decades #MentalHealth has been one of the most overlooked areas of public health, receiving a tiny part of the attention and resources it needs and deserves


In 2019, nearly 1 billion people – including 14% of the world’s adolescents - were living with a mental disorder


Social and economic inequalities, public health emergencies, war, and the climate crisis are among the global, structural threats to #MentalHealth.
Depression and anxiety went up by more than 25% in the first year of the pandemic alone

Photo: Getty Images

"My current therapist is different: She sees me as a person rather than my mental illness.
Receiving autonomy over my mental health care was the greatest contributor to my recovery."



"My experience with postpartum depression was severe and painful. I suffered for a long time. My depression became chronic because of my ignorance and the ignorance of those around me."



"I grew up in rural Liberia and when I was 14 years old I became depressed. If people with psychosocial disabilities receive the attention and services they need, they too can contribute meaningfully to the world."


"The pain would not stop. In my head, in my mind, in my heart. I don't want to live anymore.
I understood that depression and anxiety can hit anyone, and it does not make us less of a person."


"I did not go to the clinic for therapy for the entire year partly because of the fear of getting infected with #COVID19. The impact of COVID-19 on #MentalHealth cannot be underestimated."



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