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Better than Heaven or Arcadia I love thee, O my Bharat! #TeamAIVA. All my threads are compiled in one master thread which is pinned to my profile @Team_Saffronn

Jun 18, 2022, 19 tweets


On India's No.1 Liar...
Shri Rahul Gandhi

In this thread I will try to cover how Rahul Gandhi is constantly lying & his lies are unopposed. No media or any of his allies has guts to question his words. Rahul Gandhi is always first person to add fuel to fire across India

Rahul Gandhi has constantly tried to instigate youth against the Gov.

In Congress ruled states like Rajasthan & Maharashtra, there is hardly any voice for youth. One wrong word against state gov & police will file multiple FIR & destroy your career

Does Congress support FOE?

When atrocities against Dalits are reported from Congress ruled Rajasthan, Rahul Gandhi will state gov to make justice but when such incidents are reported from BJP ruled states then Rahul will BJP for such hate crimes against Dalits & incite Dalits to come on streets against BJP

Tell me any Congress ruled state where there is democracy?

Just couple of days back youth in Rajasthan were peacefully protesting against the state gov for stalling recruitment, Raj Police beat those boys black & blue but protest against #Agnipath was allowed to carry on.

Congress made farmers to demonstrate on the roads in harsh winter conditions, Congress put out posters that entire India will come on streets & when some farmers couldn't bear the weather then Rahul started blaming BJP

He brought them to streets while he was enjoying in Thailand

When entire India was quiet once the Farm Laws were passed by the government, Rahul Gandhi kept inciting the farmers against the gov

Congress ruled Punjab has provision of Contract Farming but similar laws across the nation were deemed as draconian by our 52 yrs old young baby

Govt of India doesn't count dead bodies, they take figures reported by the respective state gov

Highest COVID deaths were in Maharashtra, so Rahul Gandhi should tell us how many people died in MH, was it 1 million or 2 million

Ask your states to revise their COVID death figures

Rahul Gandhi kept on lying about India's vaccines, he constantly kept demonising Indians who were living under the fear of pandemic.

Highest deaths?
Worst COVID hit states were Maharashtra, Kerala, Delhi, none ruled by BJP. Why didn't he focus on those states especially MH..?

Again a lie to instigate youth against the gov. @narendramodi gov gave free vaccines to all. India ran one of the biggest vaccination drive across the world where we completed 200 Cr vaccines in a stipulated time.

Instead of helping during the COVID, he was deep into Modi hatred

You will be surprised to know that Rahul Gandhi hasn't made a single tweet on vaccine in 2022. He hasn't put a single tweet to thank or appreciate the gov for the biggest vaccination drive.

This man has no moral responsibility towards the nation & dreams for becoming India's PM

In the middle of the pandemic, when the entire world was under a lock down to prevent the spread of the virus, Rahul Gandhi kept targeting the gov on GDP & jobs. When the production is shut, GDP will drop, there is no rocket science here. Was Congress ruled states any different?

Did pandemic destroy India's economy?
No, certainly it didn't. In fact post reopen, India is one of the fastest growing country across globe. All credit rating agencies are estimating highest growth figures for India

It is completely foolish to mock economic figures during COVID

Rahul has left no stone unturned to incite youth for violence. During JEE-NEET controversy there were several bot accounts operating on social media & propagating lies

Why Rahul Why
Why do u want to use India's youth for your political gain? Hasn't your family done enough damage

In 2018 state elections, Rahul Gandhi had promised that every unemployed youth from the state will get Rs.10k/month compensation

Rahul Gandhi should tell us if any unemployed youth from any Congress ruled state is getting in compensation

You can't run a state & u talk abt India

Every month India is reporting record GST collection. Tax collection system of India has been strengthened. Initial glitches in such financial reform is bound to happen but Gov was quite proactive in addressing those problems

These days Rahul Gandhi has stopped tweeting on GST

Here is Rahul Gandhi's version of GST which is laughable.

Rahul Gandhi wants to make one fix slab of 18%

Modi Gov has put essential commodities under 5% GST & luxury goods at 28% GST

Under Rahul's scheme your restaurant bills will include 18% GST, instead of 5% which u pay now

This man is shamelessly lying & sadly the 4th pillar of the democracy is busy scratching his back. Country's intellectual are appreciating his cunning behaviour

Money above my nation. Intellectuals are the biggest roadblock for India's youth, depriving them from being successful

In last 24 months, Congress hasn't been able to prove if China has captured any Indian territory

His anti India tweets are demeaning our country on international stage. Rahul has questioned the competence of India's armed forces be it Army or Air force during Balakot air strike

This thread is a never ending

If you scroll through Rahul's twitter timeline, all you will find is a lie. Rahul called our PM as Chor Chowkidar, then apologised in Supreme Court & then tweets I am not Savarkar to apologise

Such a big liar putting India at risk

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