BOLT🔩FUN | Celebrating your journey as a maker! Profile picture
A community of makers turning their ideas and passions into reality, building in public, all for freedom!

Jun 19, 2022, 11 tweets


Okay Makers, we're in the last few hours of hacking - which means its nearly time to get your submissions in! Please do this by 16:00 PM UTC!

Here's what you need to know to submit your project for the chance of winning $2,600 in bitcoin prizes!

After you've submitted your project, join us live in YouTube from 17:00 - 19:00 UTC for a live project presentations ceremony. We'll be streaming your project demos for the judges, and also give you the chance to answer any of their questions & feedback (more below) 👇


Submissions will be done using BOLT🔩FUN's brand new Stories feature! You guys will be the first to use this new feature!! Here's how to do it...


Create a short 5 min video walkthrough/demo of your #product, showing off its capabilities and any of the innovative lightning technologies you've used, or design problems you solved. Please use YouTube or BitcoinTV so we can share it with our judges


Next, in order to submit your project - go to and create your account by clicking "login" (in the top right).

Authenticate using the Alby extension, or by using an external wallet that supports lnurl-auth. Fill out your profile + LN Address ⚡️


Once you've set up your new maker profile, go to the Stories page within the Community dropdown section & Click "Write a Story"


Use the template we have provided in Discord + Substack (more details 👇) to submit your project in the form of a post/pitch. Remember to add a Title, #shocktheweb tag, story cover image, and of course a video link to your project's walkthrough!…


When you've added all the required information, click "Publish" and submit your project! Boom, you're done!

If you made a mistake and need to edit your post after you've published it, you can! Just go to the post page and click the 🖊 icon, and go to Edit Story


Sit back, relax, and watch the live presentations ceremony from 17:00-19:00 PM UTC on BOLT🔩FUN’s YouTube! We'll be streaming your video pitches with our judges. As we stream them, we will invite a member from each team to join the stream and answer any Q+A's

What to include in your submission story:

- Name (Team or App) *
- Short description
- Prototype link *
- Video submission link *
- Lightning Capabilities *
- Team Members
- LN Address

Good luck! And make sure you get those submissions in on time!!

#Bitcoin #lightning #ShockTheWeb #hackathon

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