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Jun 20, 2022, 77 tweets

J’ai enfin accès à DALL.E 2, l’une des IA de génération d’image automatique la plus avancées du monde, basé sur #OpenIA . Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas 
Thread de ce que j’ai testé rapidement (et je prends les demandes ensuite !)

« a heavy metal concert, in the style of Leonado Da Vinci, oild painted, detailed” (pour @AlexSamTG et @DoomIstKrieg ) #dalle2

@AlexSamTG @DoomIstKrieg “a velociraptor dressed as a Star Trek character serving pizzas in a subway, depth of field, award winning photography” #dalle2

@AlexSamTG @DoomIstKrieg “Darth Vador playing VR in the street, award winning photography, 4K” #dalle2

@AlexSamTG @DoomIstKrieg “macro photo of a luxurious handbag McDonald’s Happy Meal toy in the foreground, on a table at a McDonald’s restaurant” #dalle2

“a family having a pic nic on mars with 2 dogs and one leopard” #dalle2

“post apocalyptic Élysée palace. Award winning photography 4K” #dalle2

“Ancient marble greek statue of a T-Rex on a temple with pylones in the middle of a desert valley” #dalle2

“bears playing basketball in a new york playground, photography depth of field” #dalle2

“a cosmonaute slamming a ball in a basketball basket on a playground on the moon, manga style” #dalle2

“a cosmonaute slamming a ball in a basketball basket on a playground on the moon, Unreal Engine 3D render” #dalle2

“An amazon riding a triceratops, flying over Amsterdam” #dalle2

Quelques autres essais en vrac #dalle2

Donc toutes ces images sont fausses, je prends les demandes mais je pourrais les tester que demain, c’est 50 requêtes par jour 🙃

(en attendant pour ceux que ça intéresse, vous pouvez en voir des pas mal ici )

Allez on commence avec quelques propositions (j’ai toujours des limitations donc ça sera au compte goutte)
« A new battlefield 2042 map, unreal engine, top view” #dalle2

Bon celui ne passe pas
pas de "fights" possibles !

"heavy metal concert, in the style of Hieronymous Bosch, with lots of details as a tryptic”

“Tintin dressed as Captain Haddock” #dalle2

“A physician with sunglasses driving a FORD mustang 1966 while playing a Gibson les Paul, photograph winning award style” #dalle2

Comme prévu “Bender from futurama in a Pink cadillac with Donald Trump with hair made of fries driving in Brussels, in realistic 3D” passe pas donc on va faire une autre version dans les 2 prochains tweets

1) sans le “fat orange”
“Bender from futurama in a Pink cadillac with a man with hair made of fries driving in Brussels, in realistic 3D” #dalle2
J'ai l'impression que Bender c'est parfois l'outil 3D et pas le personnage

2) avec la fat orange
“Bender from futurama in a Pink cadillac with a fat orange man with hair made of fries driving in Brussels, in realistic 3D” #dalle2

“A starry night with the andromeda galaxy in the background, framed in respect of the golden ratio, award winning photography” #dalle2

“The Jack of heart dressed like Santa talking to a cute hedgehog” #dalle2

« Anesthesiologist drinking coffee » #dalle2

« stylish hard intubation » #dalle2

So weird

“An ork as the pope blessing the crowd” #dalle2

On continue avec la liste quand je peux recommencer ^^

Ok on continue
« Napoleon as DJ in the Space Station, photorealistic » #dalle2

Mais photorealistic marche pas bien alors ... tweet suivant

“Napoleon as DJ in the Space Station, photography” #dalle2

“A druid with a melon-shaped head in the port of Marseille” #dalle2

"Wordle competition as a Counter-Strike BLAST event" #dalle2

“Passionate argument between deputies at the french national assembly, painting by Eugene Delacroix”

“A giant deep sea monster with tentacules and a cat face, waiting in the dark for the next cruise boat, in realistic 3d” #dalle2

“Great White Shark with beard drinking Romanée Conti in Chemistry lab, award winning photography, 4K” #dalle2

“ancient god of violence with Peter Morbascher style in acrylic picture” #dalle2

“A 3D render of a coronary CTA with a 70% non calcified stenosis in the left main.” #dalle2

“A living bird with translucid skin and feathers so you can see its muscles, veine and bones, award winning photography” #dalle2

“A painting of a Lovecraft-style monster eating human skin stripes in a basement cave, in the style of a 1920's Boston painter”

« Une fourmi géante qui se balade dans un festival de musique plein d'humains » --> « A giant ant wandering through a music festival full of humans » #dalle2

« A tropical island where all trees are made of marshmallow” #dalle2

“Wild coyote catching a blue Geococcyx californianus bird on a road in the middle of Nevada lanscape, realistic award winning photo” #dalle2

Nouveau batch !
“a wolf a bear and a squirrel, walking between an enchanted forest and a mountain, avatar the last airbender style” #dalle2

“3 wheat strands with arms playing on beach, cartoon style” #dalle2

“Salmon paradise in quantum space » #dalle2

“Mickey mouse in the club » #dalle2

“Painting of giant SpongeBob Squarepants fighting Godzilla on top of Arc de Triomphe, Renaissance style” #dalle2
Il n’a pas complètement compris Godzilla

“Queen Elisabeth II doing a flip” #dalle2

“A dog eating a shark in the style of Jaws movie“ #dalle2

“Steve Jobs stepping out of a time machine, wearing devices from the future” #dalle2

"A little girl crying, dressed with a Ukrainian flag, surrounded by ruins." #dalle2
Oui donc on peut créer des photos comme ça… Pour ça que les visages sont volontairement modifiés

“King of Belgium riding a dinosaur in Space, award winning photography” #dalle2
Bon alors là…. Mystère j’ai une idée :) tweet suivant !

Ajout de “the” et pas de majuscule à space
« The King of Belgium riding a dinosaur in space, award winning photography » #dalle2

« alligator on an escalator » #dalle2

“Haussman building revamped by Wes Anderson” #dalle2

Bon là sur celui-ci il triche un peu !

“Orang-outan playing the trumpet, people in kilt dancing in the background, detailed photograph” #dalle2

Celui là cadeau

"A heavy metal band with Disney princesses, manga style" #dalle2 @NansFLORENS

@NansFLORENS Comme c'est cool j'en met 2 autres @NansFLORENS

@NansFLORENS "A heavy metal band with a T-Rex dressed as Kiss" #dalle2 @NansFLORENS

@NansFLORENS “Close-up photograph of a blonde cat pulling a leaf toward its nose to sniff, outdoors, natural light “ #dalle2

@NansFLORENS “Baby-sitters gang receiving money from Big Pharma“ #dalle2
Nop gang c’est pas possible, on va faire sans

@NansFLORENS « Baby-sitters receiving money from Big Pharma” #dalle2

Le dernier est assez bien ^^

“The A.I. in dalle2 » #dalle2

“Dalle2 working on user's request” #dalle2

“stained glass window of a cat climbing the Eiffel Tower” #dalle2

Je le fais en 2 tweets parce que c’est vraiment sympa

“photo of the red m&m eating a cookie render 4K“ #dalle2

« The King of Belgium with a head made of fricadelle, award winning photo” #dalle2

“Sticky notes and self-improvement books. Accurate. » #dalle2

“a rose flower and a bean riding a child scooter, manga style.” #dalle2

“Mont Fiji at night over candies” #dalle2

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