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I do maths ❖ John Brown Society ❖ violinist ❖ Reconstruction ⚖️ LE misconduct/wrongful convictions #DYRBRY

Jun 21, 2022, 12 tweets

I will be watching this hearing, so that likely means some tweets. I can already tell that a lot of these politicians are going to piss me off. We've already got a, “Laws don't work, what about Chicago?”
Steve McCraw is up now.

McCraw says that 18 months before the shooting Ramos started buying supplies. He had asked a relative to buy him a gun and they refused, but he bought magazines, a scope, other accessories. "And he had money." #uvalde

McCraw wandering away from the mic is gonna kill me.

In a press conf if the speaker goes away from the mic everyone yells out, and the press probably wants to now. McCraw's voice just goes completely silent about half the time & I can't see the timeline so I'm deaf & blind. 😭
This is what we're dealing with. #uvalde

McCraw makes no bones about who was in charge. It was Arradondo.
McCraw shows Arredondo comms reinforcing that, then he explains procedure. The tone is getting more withering towards Arredondo. Doesn't look like he'll be spared today. (And we got a mic assist.) #Uvalde

12:20 Chief Arredondo: "I just need a key. Tell them to fucking wait. No one comes in."
12:21 Ramos fires 4 more rounds. *Not a "barricaded subj"

... more, all infuriating

12:28 Chief A: "The door's probably gonna be locked. I'm gonna get some more keys to test."

McCraw confirms what @bchasnoff reported Sunday. There was no way for the teacher, *or for Ramos* to lock the door from the inside. These are not the doors to 111 and 112, but those two doors were just like these. #Uvalde

McCraw is withering that not one officer so much as touched the door
"We've gone back & checked, did anybody touch the door? ...How about trying the door & see if it was unlocked? Okay? You know, what we used to call a 'clue.' Why not? And of course, no one had." #uvalde

NEW: The only rounds found that were fired by law enforcement inside the school were the rounds fired into room 111 *at the time of the breach.*

We've heard a whole lot about officers firing at Ramos early on, but that, also, does not appear to have ever been true. #Uvalde

-2 rifles wi 5 mins. McC: "you don't need a rifle. You have a gun. You have body armor."
-No attempt to try the door. Arredondo made it all up.
-A. said there was an office there. "It's not an admin bldg. These were classrooms"
-McC: If you got one officer, that's enough.

The reason TX DPS stopped talking to the media, according to Dir. Steve McCraw, is that the district attorney muzzled them. He doesn't use the word "muzzled," of course, but that directive shutting off info to the public came directly from DA Christina Busbee. #Uvalde

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