TheValuesVoter (Also on Threads and BlueSky) Profile picture
Love God and Human Life at all stages, Pro-life. Anti-racist. Fact Checker. #HarrisWalz. Unless it aligns with God’s Word or data, don’t believe it. #TrumpLost

Jun 21, 2022, 17 tweets

Here's HOW Trump lost Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Arizona - Biden won the two largest metropolitan areas of the state - Metro Phoenix and Metro Tucson. Where 80% of Arizona voters live.

Trump won big in rural areas.

The exit polls, which ask people who they voted for after they voted, don't even go through voting machines and are processed by an entirely different set of people and organizations. But they showed the same thing the official results said. Biden won Arizona.

People who voted in Pima County, Arizona (Tucson area), just like people in Maricopa County, Arizona (Phoenix area) told pollsters, after they voted, that they voted for Biden. By nearly the same margins as the official vote tally showed.

And it's not like Trump was doing great in these counties in Arizona where most of the voters live before 2020. He didn't do that well there in 2016 either.

In Georgia, more than half of the people old enough to vote in the whole state live in the Atlanta metro area. Which Biden won by 15 points.

Biden won most of the votes in the state's six largest metropolitan areas.

Trump did very well in the smaller metropolitan areas of Georgia as well as the counties which are not in metropolitan areas.

But there are fewer people living there.

Trump lost Georgia.

I accidentally put this in a separate thread, but, here's how Trump lost Pennsylvania.

Michigan. Like everywhere else Trump lost, Trump lost because he lost big in the places where most of the people live.

He won big in places where not as many people live.

In Wisconsin, which was a very close state (just as it was in 2016 when Trump won it), Trump lost two largest metro areas, where 39% of the state's voters live.

Trump nearly made up for it in the rest of the state. But he fell short.

This formula applies to every state in the country for the 2020 election.

And it's really easy to understand. It's just not hard.

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