Umbereen S Nehal, MD, MPH, MBA Profile picture
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Jun 23, 2022, 5 tweets

I think I need to go to law school. It might be a bit late to be #RBG & make it to SCOTUS… but seriously, it is all about the courts, the law, legal precedents.

Or maybe I just need to make myself small/silent enough to be able to fit into a government job again?

As hard as it is for me to stay in government long term given all the regulations that box you in/tie you up

plus needing to be a public servant to serve every taxpayer, even the ones you don’t agree with/like

Despite that, you *can* have an impact…small things at scale matter

There are times like this I want to be a cat & have 9 lives because there SO too many things I want to do…

…even though other times I am like, okay, how long exactly am I supposed to serve in this life because I am exhausted. (Albeit I did just recover from anemia.)

I think that’s why you need to create more leaders & create coalitions. Even with 9 lives you can’t do it alone.

Much of the #January6thHearings=preserving integrity government so, despite differences, we commit to the idea that Americans can preserve rule of law & the republic.

*sigh* so many options of which problem to solve and in which role. When you unpack/deconstruct yourself… you eventually have to repack/reconstruct yourself.

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