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Jun 24, 2022, 7 tweets

#GautamAdani gives a tenth of his net worth to charity, #AzimPremji is impressed…

By @jainrounak

#GautamAdani, the richest Indian man, has pledged ₹60,000 crore towards charity. That’s a tenth of his total net worth. This pledge was made on #Adani’s 60th birthday, and will be used towards healthcare, education and skill development – all of which are tax-deductible.

The #Adani Foundation will be holding this corpus as a trustee, and is likely to be partly funded by transferring the stake of promoters in the seven listed companies of the #AdaniGroup. According to Bloomberg and Forbes, #GautamAdani’s networth is around $93-95 billion.

#Adani received praise from #AzimPremji, the founder chairman of Wipro. A noted philanthropist himself, Premji praised Adani for pledging his wealth at the “peak of business success”, pointing at the substantial contribution to charity by the Adani group.


#Philanthropy is an effort to help and support social welfare causes by way of donations. Most of Indian CSR and charity causes are guided towards education for underprivileged children, the health & development of women & children and skill building amongst youth.


For many years, #AzimPremji has made a large contribution towards various causes that need attention in India. Premji has also been the biggest philanthropist in India by far. In the last two years, he donated over ₹17,600 crore – ₹9,713 crore in 2021 and ₹7,904 crore in 2020.

#GautamAdani could follow in the footsteps of Premji in his philanthropy efforts, stated a report by the Economic Times, quoting an unnamed source, without going into detail as to how exactly this will be done.…

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