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Jen. Journalist. Prince & Pervert Pod #Epstein #GhislaineMaxwell #PeterNygard We break the news, others copy it.

Jun 25, 2022, 7 tweets

The Gov has lodged document 674 which contains the survivor statements - unredacted.
#GhislaineMaxwell's team put them up and redacted certain words that caused them fear or whole statements.

First is "Kate" and you can see that #GhislaineMaxwell's team didn't like her writing rape.
We all know what rape is so I wonder why her team didn't like it ....

The next statement is by #VirginiaGiuffre.
Again #GhislaineMaxwell's team doesn't like the word rape.

#MariaFarmer's statement in full.

It's measured and strong. And mentions Vicky Ward of Vanity Fair fame.

Teresa Helm's in full.
"Remember my name"

Juliette Bryant's statement is also in full.

Below is the section #GhislaineMaxwell's team redacted.

"Ghislaine Maxwell is a monster"

#SarahRansome's statement was fully redacted by #GhislaineMaxwell's team, including photographs of Sarah in hospital after two suicide attempts and close ups of her injuries.

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