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Jun 26, 2022, 6 tweets

17 Russian 🇷🇺 mil/gov't planes on @ADSBexchange from 0000-2359 UTC June 25, 2022.

1x An-124
1x A319
1x Be-200
1x Falcon 7X
5x Il-76
3x Il-96
1x Tu-134
3x Tu-154
1x Tu-214


Rossiya (Special Flight Detachment): 6 flights.

A319-115(CJ) RA-73026 #151D42
Falcon 7X RA-09090 #142382
Il-96 RA-96018 #157712
Il-96 RA-96019 #157713
Il-96PU RA-96022 #157716
Tu-214VPU RA-64520 #14FC08

Most traffic to/from St Petersburg, however RA-96019 made a NE loop.


RuAF: 9 flights.

An-124 RA-82014 #15405E
Il-76MD RA-76669 #152B7D
Il-76MD RA-76713 #152BA9
Il-76TD RA-78818 #1533E2
Il-76MD RA-78835 #1533F3
Il-76MD RA-78838 #1533F6
Tu-134A RA-65996 #1501CC
Tu-154B-2 RA-85586 #154E52
Tu-154M RA-85686 #154EB6

That last one...


... Tu-154M RA-85686 #154EB6 has been a passenger jet for General Gerasimov prior to the war. The pic on @adsbexchange header (by Roope Nikkinen) notes Gerasimov visited Helsinki in it as recently as Sept. 2021.

It was seen using ADS-B. The other 8 RuAF flights used Mode-S.


Russian Navy and Ministry of Emergency Situations: 1 flight each.

Tu-154M RF-85855 #1B4F5F

Be-200 CH/S RF-31120 #147990

Neither of these flights were remarkable.


You can see these Russian mil/gov't flights for June 25, 2022 yourself at the link provided: globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=1533f6,1…


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