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அறம் செய்ய விரும்பு. State President - TN BJP

Jun 26, 2022, 6 tweets

Today in the 90th episode of #MannKiBaat, Our Hon PM Thiru @narendramodi avl spoke about an array of things beginning with the emergency in 1975 and mentioned Unsung heroes, Tamil personalities and his love for our culture & emphasised the significance of it.


(1) The success of Khelo India in attracting talents from ordinary families who struggled hard in their lives to reach success.

He appreciated Gold Medal Winning Weight Lifter Thiru. Dhanush from Chennai. (2/6)

(2) He shared the inspiring story of youths of Karaikal (Pondicherry) in initiating a ‘Recycling for Life’ Campaign by collecting & segregating plastic found on the sea-coast into compost, and the rest are recycled. (3/6)

(3) He also spoke about the Chess Olympiad to be conducted in Chennai from the 28th of Jul, in which players from 180 countries are participating.

(4) Further, he wished the best for the veteran Indian Cricketer from TN, Ms Mithali Raj, on her retirement. (4/6)

(5) He mentioned the Chennai & Hyderabad-based start-ups – Agnikul and Skyroot; involved in the developing launch vehicles that will take small payloads into space. (5/6)

(6) He expressed the significance of the Sabarimala Yatra and pilgrimage to seek Darshan of Bhagwan Ayyappa on the hills of Sabarimala. (6/6)

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