Céline Gounder, MD, ScM, FIDSA Profile picture
Medicine / Infectious Disease / Epidemiology / @KFF @CBSNews @NYUGrossman @BellevueHosp doc / Threads @drcelinegounder / Bluesky @celinegounder.com

Jun 27, 2022, 12 tweets

1/ America Is In the 'Figure It Out Yourself' Era of the Pandemic
by @edyong209


2/ I spent the earlier part of my career focused on #tuberculosis #TB & #HIV.

We are most definitely seeing the TB-ification of COVID.

3/ There's a long slog ahead.

4/ This is also why the US spends more than any other country per capita on health care, but has worse outcomes than other high-income countries.

5/ But there are reasons to hope.

Investment in community health workers in one such reason:

6/ Community health workers:
🔹have the trust of the community
🔹build greater trust between the community and the public health system
🔹are an excellent return on investment


8/ We need to imagine bigger.

My latest reading was focused on how to get there:

Imaginable by @avantgame
Curious by @mrianleslie
The Optimist's Telescope by @binajv
Contagious by @j1berger
Where's My Flying Car by J. Storrs Hall
Wonder by Frank C. Keil
Humankind by @rcbregman

9/ For example, imagine 🤔 this:


11/ I am fighting hard to stay optimistic
because "only optimists change the world."
- @AlecJRoss, "The Raging 2020s"

But meanwhile, I worry about the upcoming SCOTUS decision on West Virginia v EPA:

At stake?
Regulatory authority of ALL federal agencies

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