Aleyda Solis 🕊️ Profile picture
SEO Consultant, Speaker & Author. @Orainti Founder @Remotersnet Co-Founder @CrawlingMondays Host #SEOFOMO + #MarketingFOMO + Maker @mujeresEnSEO

Jun 27, 2022, 15 tweets

Achieving SEO results is hard.

Higher SEO maturity across most profitable industries Better user search experience and quality required to rank. More complexity to manage SEO project execution.

Here's how 6 ways to make SEO audits that actually impact results 👇


1. Make your SEO audits solutions focused to develop action-driven recommendations.

We’re not paid to identify SEO issues, but to provide solutions for them and achieve results.

Each recommendation should show: What is happening, Where does it happen, and How to fix it.


2. Connect each of your SEO recommendations to SMARTER SEO goals.

Explain how the SEO actions you provide will help you to achieve the established SMARTER SEO goals.

Can’t tie a recommendation to one of the SEO goals? It’s a non-problem and shouldn’t be prioritized.


3. Prioritize your SEO recommendations based on impact and effort, based on your own context & goals.

Use this prioritization template:…

What happens when you have many w same effort/impact? Prioritize the one w/ biggest impact on the business.


... There are also SEO low-hanging fruit opportunities across processes, to always leverage.

These are strategy agnostic SEO opportunities that can be done in parallel to the initial SEO analysis.

Eg: improving the CTR of top ranked relevant pages for popular queries.


They don't only allow you to achieve results faster but help to address some of the big SEO challenges: Mitigate client or decision maker impatience towards results, Show value of SEO implementation to gain further support, etc.

See more:…

4. Format SEO recommendations to facilitate actionability and collaboration.

Start by establishing the 5Ws (and the H) for each of your SEO recommendations.

The document organization should be prioritized,
starting with the highest priority recommendations.



Use this Action Driven and Prioritized SEO
Recommendations Template in Google Slides for it:…


Use a collaborative document format & organization that facilitate stakeholders & decision-makers to review & comment.

Create an executive summary highlighting the top recommendations. They should refer to the SEO recommendations for operational stakeholders.


5. Establish ongoing actions to prevent new SEO issues & leverage opportunities.

We end up delaying impactful new SEO releases to fix arising issues we could have prevented.

That’s why SEO recommendations should set an ongoing
SEO quality assurance effort.



This SEO quality assurance framework should include:

* Education:
To prevent SEO mistakes and get support.
* Validation: To avoid launching
SEO Errors.
* Monitoring: To catch SEO incidents fast.

See how to set one here:…


6. Develop frequent SEO recommendations reviews & tests to keep them relevant and impactful.

Your search landscape will shift through the SEO process and your SEO actions should update accordingly.

These & activities
tied w them should be reviewed when reporting SEO.


SEO reports should help to not only communicate results but review & drive actions to achieve goals.

Review your SEO goals achievement w meaningful KPIs.

Leverage data storytelling to communicate what’s happening, the cause of results and how to proceed

... Learn more about developing effective SEO reports (that become an "ongoing" extension of your SEO recommendations) in this presentation:…


Too much work? Remember, this makes it all worth it!

I'll be presenting soon again about impactful SEO recommendations, and will be sharing more insights, tips and resources, so start follow me in case you haven't yet, and subscribe to #SEOFOMO:

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