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Jun 28, 2022, 14 tweets

Australia's @abcnews mentions a Christian 'Dalit activist' in a bizarre article on caste. Read on to know more how Indian Christians are fuelling #Hinduphobia under the garb of 'Dalit advocacy'......1/14…

Beena Pallical is 5th generation Christian. She heads a group called 'National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights' (NCDHR). Also with her is another Christian N. Paul Divakar. Pallical is a Syrian Christian which is regarded as an Upper caste group but she calls herself 'Dalit'. 2/14

NCDHR is part of a global Dalit network called 'International Dalit Solidarity Network' (IDSN). Associates are Lutheran Church, World Council of Churches, Norway's Rafto Foundation that advocates 'Free Kashmir', corrupt @hrw, orgs with Xtian foundations & Dutch based Arisa.3/14

Jebaroja Singh and her husband Prince G Singh. Jebaroja Singh is an academic at St.John Fishers College. Prince Singh is current bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester NY. She runs Dalit Solidarity Network.4/14

Thenmozhi Soundarajan is a Christian who runs Equality Labs. She recently started targeting Hindus in Google. She was brought up in California and both her parents are doctors educated in Tamil Nadu, India.5/14

Working with her is another Christian - Christina Dhanraj. Dhanraj is 3rd generation Christian and responsible for Equality Labs 'Dalit History Month'.6/14

Evangeline Jennifer Rajkumar is a Lutheran Pastor in Indiana, US. She is often seen working with Jamat-e-Islami front IAMC.
More about her here. 7/14

Shibu Thomas works with FIACONA (Federation of Indian American Christians of North America) another group that works extensively with IAMC. @missionkaali has an article on him.He was arrested by MP police for falsifying crimes against Xtians.8/14…

Dr. Raju Abraham is Indian spy for the Christian supremacist Joshua Project. 9/14…

Kumar Swamy is another Christian who is National General Secretary of All India Christian Council. He works for OM (Operation Mobilisation) that seeks to convert Hindus to Christianity. He sits on the board of Dalit Freedom Network, USA.10/14

Dalit Freedom Network named changed to Dignity Freedom Network is another 'Dalit' advocacy group run by Christians. DFN's objective is to convert Hindus.11/14…

Joesph D'Souza, President of Dignity Freedom Network.12/14

Dalit spices is a UK based brand of spices run by Life Associations. They are a Christian group working in India's rural areas and are involved in church planting.13/14

Well are these the only ones? No. There are plenty of them but to give you all an idea how 'Dalit advocacy' is primarily spearheaded by Christians and Christian groups. END.14/14

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