Stop Hindu Hate Advocacy Network (SHHAN) Profile picture
We expose people, businesses, organisations, universities, institutions that promote and propagate hate, bigotry & violence against Hindus. RTs not endorsement.
প্রদীপ্ত মৈত্র (Pradipto Moitra) Profile picture Truth Mission Profile picture 3 subscribed
Aug 5 13 tweets 11 min read
#Hindus, don't believe these kind of posts. This account was created in Aug 2024, follows only one account, Prothom Alo. Prothom Alo is a propaganda wing of Jamat-e-Islami of Bangladesh. They are trying to whitewash the genocide of #Hindus in BD!

Dhruv Rathee Parody account sharing pics of Jamat-e-Islami's propaganda that Hindus are safe in BD. Don't fall for it. Check for veracity of information before sharing. Jamat and their online foot soldiers are white-washing crimes against Hindus!

Jul 22 27 tweets 20 min read
A thread:
In response to the "superior race", we are "civilised people" and "we respect women" civilisation defaming India.
Do crimes happen in India? Yes.
Are we perfect? No.
Do crimes happen in wh1te countries. A lot.
1. Children rpaed

2. Western people took the opportunity to rape in the virtual world too.

May 25 5 tweets 4 min read
There is a concerted campaign to show Indian men as "perverts" by the same WHITE men who come to Asian countries and sexually abuse Asian kids - India, Thailand, the Phillipines, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia. White men come as school teachers, tourists, orphanage founders....

Its always white men who are perverts, use their WHote privilege, lax local rules and abundance of Asian children to satiate their pedophilic thirst.

Apr 26 10 tweets 6 min read
A thread on Western press coverage of US campus protest vs JNU. In both countries students supported terrorists, Hamas and Afzal Guru.

1st up, The Conversation
US: Campus protest escalate, surrounding Israel-Gaza war
India: University freedoms in India under threat
2nd, Time
US: Pro-Palestinian Columbia Student Protests Continue despite arrests, suspensions
India: Arrest of a Student leader......reignites India's Intolerance Debate
Mar 21 9 tweets 6 min read
Yesterday GoI told SC that illegal Rohignyas have no right to settle in India. The petitioner for the Rohingyas is one Priyali Sur. Who is Priyali Sur? Priyali Sur is the founder and Exe Dir of The Azadi Project. 1/

Priyali Sur's main focus is on legally settling Rohingyas in India, giving them equal status enjoyed by the majority population. She deosn't bother abt Hindu refugees from Pak/BD/Afghan. She is often seen in the company of Sunita Viswanath and other anti-Hindu characters.

Jan 24 10 tweets 3 min read
A thread on Muslims attacking Hindu Ram Yatras.
It's not just Mira Road, Mumbai but across the country.
1. Muslims attack Hindus in Solapur, Maharashtra.… 2. Muslims hurl shoe at Sri Ram Shobha Yatra, Telangana.…
Sep 8, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Venomous snake, Divya Dwivedi, Professor at @iitdelhi, says India's "....future is egalitarian India without Hinduism". She uses the same tropes Barkha Dutt used against Kashmiri Hindus "10% upper caste control 90% of lucrative and powerful positions."
@FRANCE24 Here is Barkha Dutt dog-whistling against Kashmiri Hindus leading to their genocide in 1990.
"privileged, monopolised govt jobs and plum postings, sharp economic disparity between the Pandits and the poor Muslim majority".
Jun 27, 2023 15 tweets 6 min read
Pakistani-Canadian Suroor Alvi's @VICE put out a propaganda video on #LeicesterViolence made up of lies, more lies and damn lies. FYI, Vice is bankrupt and looking at Soros for a bail out. Here is a point-by-point expose of the video. 1/15 Now, let's start. At the outset, Vice blames #Hindus and #Hindutva for the violence in #Leciester. Point to note, UK govt has only recently constituted an enquiry commission to look into the violence. But Vice decided to play judge, jury and executioner. 3/15
Mar 24, 2023 7 tweets 6 min read
#Khalistanis spreading fake news that Punjab police "abducted" Papalpreet Singh's wife and mother. Harmeet Dhillion, member of Republican Party amplifies this fake news further. Dhillion's lackeys went after @SarahLGates1 when she exposed #Khalistanis in Oz. Read next tweet. We called out Harmeet Dhillion's support for #Khalistanis in Feb 2023. Her lackey harassed and intimidated @SarahLGates1 for speaking against #Khalistanis .

Mar 22, 2023 12 tweets 6 min read
This abusive #Khalistani is Gurcharan Singh of Dal Khalsa UK. Gurcharan is seen here with Paramjit Singh Pamma, a #Khalistani terrorist of Khalitsan Tiger Force and is on NIA's Most Wanted list. He calls himself "human rights activist". ImageImage Here is detailed info on Paramjit Singh Pamma. ImageImage
Mar 20, 2023 11 tweets 8 min read
Piers Corbyn, elder brother of Jeremy Corbyn, asking for release of Avtar Singh Khanda, a #Khalistani who vandalised #Indian flag at Indian HC, London and calls this a "beginning of a massive struggle which must overthrow the #Modi regime". Ends with "victory for #Khalistan". Here are his tweets.
Mar 18, 2023 13 tweets 9 min read
Sewer rats #Khalistanis from Canada coming out in support of #AmritpalSingh. Another country, other than Pakistan that harbours and promotes terrorists is #Canada and Justin Trudeau. ImageImageImageImage George Soros funded Sikh Coalition shows support for #AmritpalSingh and has Soros Fellowship winner Simran Jeet Singh as their member.

Mar 2, 2023 7 tweets 6 min read
On 28th Feb 2023, Soros funded orgs - HRW and Amnesty along with anti-India, anti-Hindu, USCIRF organised a "Congressional briefing". It was organised by "India Working Group". What is "India Working Group"? Read on to know more...... India Working Group (IWG) is a part of working groups created by International Religious Freedom Roundtable led by Greg Mitchell and Chris Seiple. Currently former USCIRF Commissioner Nadine Maenza is the Pres of IRF. Both IRF and USCIRF pushed US govt to declare India as CPC.
Feb 18, 2023 17 tweets 14 min read
Saru Jayaraman currently is the Co-Founder and President of a group called One Fair Wage in the US. In 2014 she was honoured as Champion of Change by the White House.
#SorosGang Purvi Shah is currently Founder and Executive Director of Movement Law Lab (MLL). MLL is a project of NEO Philanthropy which in turn is funded by Open Society Foundation, Ford Foundation, McArthur Foundation, Atlantic Philanthropies among others.

Feb 17, 2023 32 tweets 15 min read
Here are some Indians and people with Indian names working with/for George Soros and Open Society Foundation.

1. Basharat Peer, script writer for Bollywood's #Haider and a Kashmiri separatist

2. Former USCIRF Commissioner Arunima Bhargava

Feb 10, 2023 7 tweets 8 min read
Meet @abcnews which recommends 'hugging a cow' for your psychological wellbeing, they promote Cow Cuddling Co. but ridicule #Hindus for suggesting the same, blame Modi's #Hindu nationalism for it. #Hinduphobia Meet @BBC who promote cow hugging as "world's new wellness trend" but ridicule #Hindus with cow urine, gobar jibes when they suggest the same. Their target is not the cow, it is you, a #Hindu who dare reject Westernism for following your Indic traditions. Its #HinduHate. Period.
Jan 19, 2023 10 tweets 7 min read
Aruna Miller was sworn in as Lieutenant Governor of Maryland yesterday. Miller was sworn-in using the Bhagavad Gita. Jamat-e-Islami front IAMC attacked Miller for her 'Hindutva' links. Read on to know more on the sustained campaign against Miller. 1/11 Aruna Miller had in the past tweeted against India's CAA accusing BJP of marginalising 'muslims'. 2/11
Dec 14, 2022 10 tweets 6 min read
Liberals, Western 'journos', anti-India groups are trying to malign NIA and save Christian Jesuit priest and Maoist, Stan Swamy. Helping them is one Arsenal Consulting. Arsenal Consulting has a checkered past. Read on.........1/9 Image Arsenal Consulting is headed by one Mark Spencer who gives lectures on digital forensics. Below is an example of a conference in which Mark Spencer was a guest speaker and also sponsored the event. 2/9 ImageImageImageImage
Nov 12, 2022 19 tweets 9 min read
Did you know Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) had a very cosy relationship with Xtianity? LTTE's head Prabhakaran was a Methodist Christian, his son Charles Anthony, LTTE's ideologue, Anton Balasingham - Xtian. 1/n Here are some pics of Parakaran with SL Catholic bishops. 2/n
Oct 28, 2022 12 tweets 10 min read
Pak's Sahar Habib Ghazi, journo for Vice News, did a hit job on #Hindus on #Leicester violence. She has used 'experts' & fake news to blame #Hindus. A hit job on the lines of NYT, the Guradian and BBC. Here it goes...... The first expert quoted in the article is SHockat Adam Patel from MEND. @HJS_Org has flagged MEND as "Islamists masquerading as Civlil libertarians". Patel was also quoted by NYT article on #Leicester. MEND, SASG, HfHR, IAMC, THP are all #Hinduphobic putting forth Jamat ideology.
Oct 27, 2022 7 tweets 6 min read
1. Dr. Chris Allen has been appointed lead for an 'independent review' into #Leicester violence. Who is Dr. Allen? Dr. Allen is a Professor who researches on Islamophobia. In an article for The Conversation UK, Dr. Allen already blames #Hindu nationalists for the violence. 2. In the article, Dr.Allen says there is no evidence of involvement of Islamists but readily blamed #Hindutva, even so far as saying it has been 'imported' into the UK from 2014 onwards. He ends with saying Hindutva influence in UK cannot be overlooked.