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Market Cycle Analyst • Building @NoodlesResearch |

Jun 30, 2022, 6 tweets

I can't tell you if it will be a definitive bottom, but even in bearish market the dip is not a straight line. We will soon see a bounce that could guarantee some 2x and more.

This is always the best simple rules but hard to put in place.


16.500/16.000 i think it's a buy opportunity, volume is very low, low volume sales indicate that sell pressure is losing strength. We will see daily divergence in major crypto asset

For sure 21.500$ will be first resistance for long time then we could see 35-40k

#ETHUSD #eth

700-750$ buy zone.

I think we could see a greater reaction here than Btc , like to 1450$ at the begin, but then see it losing ground again, in the following months, especially in lateralization phases.


35$ buy zone
60$ first resistance
130-140$ possible bounce target

Don't take me for crazy, but Litecoin might surprise you and overperform both $btc and $eth

$bnb #BNB

170/175$ buy oppprtunity.
250$ first resistance
300-350$ target.

That said, then we can see a rebound soon, with 1-2 months of build-up and a subsequent 2-4 months of expansion.

to then expect another dip / lateralization again, I do not expect the return of a prolonged bull cycle until 2024/2025.

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