Helen Branswell 🇨🇦 Profile picture
I cover infectious diseases @statnews. 2020 Polk winner. Nieman '11. She/her. #H5N1 #birdflu #Covid #polio #flu, #RSV. Me on Signal: HBranswell.01

Jul 1, 2022, 9 tweets

1. A #MPXV 🧵
The director of @WHO_Europe issued a stark warning today about the state of the #monkeypox outbreak. Case counts have tripled in Europe in the past 2 weeks, @hans_kluge said.

2. @hans_kluge also noted while the majority of cases are still men who have sex with men, infections are being reported outside of that demographic. There is no reason #monkeypox will restrict itself to spread within a single group. Given the opportunity to transmit, it will.

3. @hans_kluge appeared to predict the #monkeypox outbreak will be declared a public health emergency of international concern sometime soon. An expert committee met last week & advised against declaring a #PHEIC for now.

4. There have been 10 health workers infected with #monkeypox in Europe to date, but it's not clear if the exposure was through their work.

5. To date there have been no reported deaths among the +5400 #monkeypox cases in the outbreak that was first noted in mid-May in the U.K. map.monkeypox.global.health/country

6. As of yesterday, @CDCgov reported 396 #monkeypox cases — an increase of 13% from the previous day. Cases have been reported from 29 states, DC & Puerto Rico.

7. As of today, @UKHSA is reporting 1235 #monkeypox cases, most in England & most of those in London. Of cases for which the gender is known, 5 are female.

8. A #monkeypox update from @WHO_Europe & the @ECDC_EU has useful data on symptoms that cases are manifesting.

9. HHS has ordered 2.5M more doses of Jynneos, the Bavarian Nordic #monkeypox vaccine. It's frankly very hard to keep straight what is a new purchase vs instructions to deliver doses that were previously paid for & in storage. This brings to 4M doses the US will get in 2022-23.

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