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#TrudeauMustGo🎙Opinions are my own. Anti-mandate. Stop coercion and censorship. The Overton window is broken.

Jul 3, 2022, 16 tweets

In light of more dreadful media coverage of 🇨🇦 Day and military veteran James Topp’s historic march from Vancouver to Ottawa, I’ve decided to compile a 🧵 showcasing images of just how far our 🇨🇦 journalistic integrity has fallen. Please share.
#cdnpoli #CdnMediaFailed #DefundCBC

I mean who can forget this pathetic poll from @CTVNews that they pulled down within hours because they lack all human decency, morality, and foresight. Our “most trusted news” is asking whether Canadians should be jailed for NOT injecting themselves with something.

To add to the insanity of the previous poll, here’s @CTVNews reporting on C19 + healthcare workers being allowed to come into work, but covid NEGATIVE employees were placed on unpaid leave for the crime of being unvaccinated. Covidians only want to catch their C19 from 💉 people.

Not done with the disgraceful “journalism” of @CTVNews yet. Here, they continue to normalize the narrative that there should be some penalty attached to medical decisions about what enters your body, or does not. And you wonder why 🇨🇦 is losing faith in media & institutions?

Still not done. Figured it’s appropriate to be a harsh critic of a media outlet that claims to be Canada’s “most trusted news. Anytime. Anywhere. Even though they’re kept afloat by federal dollars from our incompetent PM. #cdnpoli #defundthemedia

@CTVNews is also one of many that seemed so happy to further the unvaccinated endangering the vaccinated narrative based solely on one study involving mathematical models even though 🇨🇦 is 90% 💉💉. Interesting how so many outlets immediately report the same thing. 🤔

And who could forget this global embarrassment from the @TorontoStar. From @nadineyousif_, who is supposed to be a “mental health reporter.” Although she has no qualms writing a morally reprehensible piece about letting the unvaccinated die b/c they don’t “deserve” healthcare.

Just in case you wanted to read the blatant delusional hypocrisy for yourself. Apparently she’s done at the @TorontoStar but is “grateful”to write about mental health over the last two years 😵‍💫 Yes great job willfully adding to the “simmering divide” over medical choices.

And how could we forget about the failing media arm of our federal government when they produce “news” stories like this. I had no idea that the sounds of truck horns could induce trauma and the ghastly audible hallucinations would cause suffering for weeks to come. @CBCNews

@CBCNews is certainly an objective form of journalism though. Especially when they attribute the word “freedom” to “far-right groups,” based on expert testimony, or course. It’s not like the Liberal government pays to keep their sinking ship of partisan mediocrity afloat.

@TorontoStar is really on a roll here as well. I mean it’s obvious that anyone who dares protest against illogical vaccine mandates or for bodily autonomy and medical ethics are just “white supremacists.” Obviously every single protestor was a white far-right extremist.

Don’t forget the racism, misogyny, and misinformation!! It’s not enough that our own Prime Minister couldn’t even have a conversation with his citizens yet demonized us as fringe minority racists/misogynists. Dr. Tam seems to agree as well.

I mean you might also lose your job just because you donated $100 of your own money to a cause you happen to support. But @JustinTrudeau is clearly a fan of political persecution. Obviously, dictating what causes you can support increases your freedom.

Don’t forget, it’s “illogical” for truckers to claim their freedom is threatened even after they lose their job because of one 💉 that doesn’t stop transmission anyway. Obviously freedoms aren’t threatened either by frozen bank accounts or the Emergencies act. @CBCNews

@nadineyousif_ just in case you would like a reminder of what you stand to publish as a “mental health reporter” 🙄 Advocating for the denial of medical treatment and therefore death upon other 🇨🇦 citizens. Just absolutely vile.

SUCCESS!!! Liberal journalists just take ZERO accountability for their reprehensible actions. Even when they call themselves “mental health reporters” and admit their empathy for Canadians is running out and they don’t deserve ICU beds just for being unvaxxed. “Let them die.”

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