(EGI) LukeMnukeEm 🏴‍☠️ Profile picture
The news is fake and everyone depicted on TV, movies, and product packaging have always been transgender. Luke 1:1-4

Jul 3, 2022, 21 tweets

You ever really look at the models they use for product advertisement?

To hetero men, these are just ugly broads.

To hetero women, this is beauty to be inspired of.

They have many names, but we refer to them as inverts/baphomets/critters/#EGI

You are being manipulated: A 🧵

Not all women have bountiful hips, but I challenge you to find us a real woman who exhibits shoulders wider than their hips.

The biological female pelvis is wider than male's to accommodate child birth

Next, we look at the humerus - the bone between forearm and shoulder.

The female humerus is shorter than the male counterpart. Think of women having T-Rex arms.

My wife isn't that much shorter than I am, but I have 2x the reach to high areas.

Look at the breast-elbow spacing

Apparently, the 2 aforementioned l a d y b o y s are TikTok influencers 🥴🥴🥴 You let your KIDS on that sh¡t??

Checkout this post pointing out the obvious you've been oblivious to!

Compare those high belly buttons to the product packaging above.

Breast-to-elbow spacing too

I'll keep going as long as I need to.

Scoff if you want, you'll be back here eventually 😉

If I was able to finally break their programming, ANYONE can

"Truth is stranger than fiction"

Hips, shoulders, humerus, belly button, breast-elbow spacing, your pick, there's several

#Hollywood has been leaving #clues for years. I implore you to watch this entire clip from the movie Interstate 60. Really, pay attention to what he is saying. Watch it 5x if you need to. It's only 3 minutes long, but the meat of it is below:

Another excerpt, this time from Maury. If you were a 90's kid, your mom might have watched this trash everyday too. Really listen to how "he's" talking to the audience, they didn't have a clue.

Protip: Listen to their voices, they were !ALL MEN!

Next, we're going to cover skulls.

The first is male. Look at the wide and thick jaw, high cheek bones, wiiiide smile, and buildup for the brow bone above the eye sockets.

The features take up majority of the surface area; less blank space available; not alot of forehead

Now we have the female skull.

See the less pronounced cheek bones? Smaller smile, thin jaw that comes to a point, no brow bone buildup, all the features are closer together; bigger forehead; more available blank space.

Main takeaway is the overall shape - Upside down egg 🥚

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Take what you learned from the last 2 tweets and apply that logic to this one. You almost gotta feel silly for never noticing it before.

High cheekbones, wide jaw

Huge forehead, no browbone, jaw comes to a point

YOU are being manipulated from EVERY angle, EVERY facet of MSM

Remember, loooooong humerus, elbow-to-breast spacing

Upside down eggs, right?

They're ALL inverted act-whores

These 2 are still alive and well, and I don't give a fuck what you've got to say about it.

Next, we're going to cover shoulders. Men have broad, straight shoulders, larger, more pronounced clavicles.

Women have sloping/draping shoulders. They will never be wider than their hips.

You see A's head wider than neck, but B's is just as wide as neck.



Now take what you've learned about sloping shoulders and short humerus.

T-Rex arms

Upside down eggs 🥚

In shape, but have excessive breast tissue

Brave heros or act-whores, you tell me baby

P.S. Fuck Ukraine

You a #Christian: "Me saved, me not going to #hell"

Which, you're probably right, but you still shouldn't let a baphomet teach you on #Sundays.



Bonus points, you see that Laughable Adam's Apple surgical insert?

(Just to clarify, I have nothing against Christians, I was dragged to church every Sunday to listen to a TV pastor that bragged about his remote start truck [circa '01] but I feel the Bi-Baal is a lie/JC is THE false prophet. I do believe in God, the SOLE creator, however 🙏)

Hang on to your teets, take what you've learned and apply it to ANYONE and EVERYONE, because just when you think you've figured it out, you listened to a controlled opposition EGI operative (John Mcafee, Edward Snowden, Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Facebook #whistelblower 🤪)

Next, we will cover gait, which is arguably one of the best gender markers. Like that dude Shakira once said, "Hips don't lie"

Remember, women have wider pelvis to accommodate child birth, the femur joint is pushed to the outside, whereas men's come straight out.

Gait, also commonly known as Q angle, is gender specific. Simple skeletal kinetics dictates this. Again, we don't care about your feelings.

The female femur is also curved. With this combination, women walk by swinging their feet, falling 1 in front of the other.


Men, since their femur bones are more straight and come straight out of the pelvis, walk like toy soldiers, kicking STRAIGHT forward.

I can understand your feelings because I went through the same thing 6 months ago.

But I'm a man of science, which in this day and age, means cold, concrete facts that never change - irrespective of what society deems acceptable or normal.

I spent a couple hours typing this thread on this hot Independence Day weekend of '22.

We as a collective whole need to gain our independence, for real this time, unlike #1776

No more Emperor's New Groove

They ALWAYS provide BOTH sides

You've been in the NWO for a long time

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