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Jul 3rd 2022
You ever really look at the models they use for product advertisement?

To hetero men, these are just ugly broads.

To hetero women, this is beauty to be inspired of.

They have many names, but we refer to them as inverts/baphomets/critters/#EGI

You are being manipulated: A 🧵 Image
Not all women have bountiful hips, but I challenge you to find us a real woman who exhibits shoulders wider than their hips.

The biological female pelvis is wider than male's to accommodate child birth Image
Next, we look at the humerus - the bone between forearm and shoulder.

The female humerus is shorter than the male counterpart. Think of women having T-Rex arms.

My wife isn't that much shorter than I am, but I have 2x the reach to high areas.

Look at the breast-elbow spacing Image
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