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Movie/TV Series thoughts mostly in the form of very long threads. DC Comics fan. #RebelMoon Era.

Jul 4, 2022, 16 tweets

After a small break I am back! It’s a new Monday, so time for a new entry to the #BatmanvSuperman references to the DC lore series. Today is the turn for the Burn Him scene in the 🧵 below! #RestoreTheSnyderVerse #BvSMondayMood

Thought this one was going to be a short 🧵 with a couple of references. But as usual I went on a rabbit hole following one part of the scene and wanted to share some of it here. So, let's start with a reference, the protests that again look like Grant Morrison’s Action Comics #3

The actual signs in the protest are what led to me to the rabbit hole trying to find out more about them. Found from @manofsteelanswers webpage a BTS pic with all the signs. Interesting choices so I think it’s worth talking about some of them (…).

One of them resembles very much one from Action Comics #3 with “Earth Belongs to Humans” and “Earth 4 Earthlings” in the comic by Grant Morrison (even same color for the sign).

We also have a “Deport Superman” and “Illegal Alien” signs. What peaked my curiosity about this is one is that in 2017 (a year after #BvS) there was a comic made (Action Comics #897) where Superman defended (illegal) immigrants.

This led to a huge debate on the role of Superman as a propaganda tool with a Fox News anchor having a meltdown over this comic, calling Superman an “illegal alien”. You can find the story here…

Then we have a sign with “When Invasion Becomes Reality Revolt Becomes Duty”. This is probably inspired by the phrase “When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty”. This one really fascinates me.

First, it’s worth looking at the differences. In the sign, Injustice is replaced by Invasion. The invasion is an injustice (for whom?). Then Law is replaced by Reality. Whose reality? Then, Revolt replaces Resistance. A call for arms, much more visceral than the original phrase.

Second, the original phrase is attributed to Thomas Jefferson, a founding father. The sign is distorting his “supposed views” in order to organize a revolt against Superman (one of the “founding” Superheroes).

Third, while the phrase is usually tied to Thomas Jefferson, there is no actual evidence that it’s his. In fact, many historians say that this is not his phrase. Found interesting that Jefferson is usually praised for his pacifism and in here…

…someone is probably using what they think is a Thomas Jefferson’s phrase, distorting it, to attack and wage war on someone.

We also have a sign with “SuperDeath”. In Action Comics #660, where Lex Luthor dies, he is first haunted in his dreams by SuperDeath, an angel of death who behind the mask is actually Clark Kent.

That’s it about my rabbit hole regarding the signs in the protests. Back to the references, the protests themselves also look like the protests in the Watchmen movie.

Then, we also have Lois going over Wallace Keefe’s apartment that now has several paintings around it, making him look like a terrorist. In Superman Earth One Vol. 2 we get a similar picture for Eddie’s apartment (hat tip to @zack_v_know for this one).

And finally, we have Lois mentioning to Jenet Klyburn that Superman’s X-ray vision cannot see through lead, very reminiscent of the comic lore (…)

So that’s a wrap for today’s scene. Remember if you like this thread or any previous ones, consider donating to the @afspnational Autumn Snyder Fund. Every small amount counts to raise awareness for this cause!…

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