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Jul 4, 2022, 5 tweets

Overnight on July 3, violent far-left & #BLM rioters gathered in downtown Akron, Ohio with bats & started fires. They're angry about the police shooting death of #JaylandWalker, an armed black man who led police on a wild car chase & shooting at them.

A masked man with a bat in Akron, Ohio used a bat to smash out windows during the violent far-left direct action overnight. The rioters were trying to attack the Justice Center. #JaylandWalker

#BLM & left-wing rioters started fires at their violent unlawful assembly overnight in downtown Akron, Ohio. They're angry about police shooting dead a man who was fleeing from police in a vehicle & shooting at cops. #JaylandWalker

In Akron, Ohio late on July 3, left-wing rioters & #BLM supporters smashed up windows, property & started fires on the street.

The mayor of Akron has issued a state of emergency & set a curfew following #BLM & far-left violence & arson last night. Fireworks for Independence Day have been cancelled as well. Rioters carried out an attack on the public over the shooting death of gunman #JaylandWalker.

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