MoonFrog || $CRV Booster || ve(👑,👑) Profile picture
Took a Bitcoin portal in 2017 and ended up in Ethereum's Decentralize Finance. #TheLockening #TheBribening #CurveWars - $CRV $CVX

Jul 6, 2022, 26 tweets

I got access to DALL-E. You know it's a DALL-E when you see the watermark on the lower right side corner of the picture. I will put everyone in a tuxedo to celebrate Curve’s Death Spiral. 🐸🌀🎉 $CRV $CVX

@DefiMoon is always giving us important updates on $CRV and $CVX. He's relentless with the #TheLockening🔒 updates.

@CurveCap is always documenting the history and reporting the news of $CRV and $CVX. Putting all our threads and tweets in Curve substack filling our Frog brains with Alpha.

@crypto_condom is constantly analyzing and scanning the blockchain, looking for alpha and giving insights into the data he finds on-chain and protecting Frogs everywhere.

@0xconcentrator is auto compounding Stables and $CRV yields, a competitor to Yearn, soon to release their Token via IFO, airdrop, and community boosters.

More Degens and Frogs are joining the Curve’s Death Spiral Party soon. 🐸🌀🎉

@nagakingg, one of the members of Curve Emergency DAO. Protected us from Mochi Inu taking over FUD. Coding tools for

@0xCha0s, just like Kakashi Sensei, strengthening and supporting the Alpha everywhere he goes. He is teaching us the importance of teamwork.

@rektdiomedes is very knowledgeable and is probably a macro genius. He has taught Degens to compound their $CRV gas-efficiently using L2s and Sidechains.

@SalomonCrypto writes #Defi Threads for days. He writes lengthy, detailed analyses filled with pictures of DAO’s FlyWheels and Bribes.

@YettyWapp is a big believer in Cash Flow for Life and has heavy bags of $CRV and $CVX. Spreading knowledge about Curve and Convex.

@0xC_Lever gives you the ability to get your future yields today. #TheUnLocking Fud which has proven to be bullish, has helped CLever to increase their TVL. Degens are Locking up with them. Maybe a potential airdrop down the road.

@spadaboom1 was the first to see $CVX potential, created the first $CVX wrapper, and @BadgerDAO allowed people to lock with them to boost $BTC yields.

@cryptouf has been giving us news and updates through his Curve Finance Newsletter. He highlights important tweets and threads from the Curve Community.

@gggonecrypto is an early Curve OG. Is very knowledgeable about the CurveWars. If she finds out you are a VC, she will rip you to shreds.

@Crypto__Ronin is a supporter and an investor of $CRV and $CVX. Always accumulating income-producing assets.

@SHIBAATTACKNOW is a fellow Frog who has a $SPELL on $CRV and $CVX. Bribe me hard, bribe me now, bribe me forever!

@0xSami_ is a mad scientist at @redactedcartel creating #FlyWheels with $CRV and $CVX.

@fd_crypto is a supporter and investor of $CRV and $CVX. He Apes into your protocol.

@JasonHitchcock Apes into #DeFi and #NFTs. Has income producing assets like $CRV and $CVX Cash Flowing For Life. Going to have a Yacht race with @CFrogE1 when Convex hits $7380 per token.

@0xdharma is a Frog meditating, thinking about Cash Flow For Life. Accumulating $CRV and $CVX, trying to Cash Flow harder.

@CredibleCrypto This big brain bull does Crypto Analysis and Financial Education. He plans all the entries and exits.

@StakeDAOHQ is the second protocol to get whitlisted and tokenized $veCRV. Consistently upgrading their tokenomics as competition for $CRV heats up.

@skellet0r is a Curve Dev working to Wrap the World in Curve. Skelletor’s plan for World domination will be realized one day.

@BlockEnthusiast has been friendly towards $CRV. Has offered useful analysis, insights, and memes of the CurveWars.

@RogerTh43176914 is a trader that reads the charts and predicts Curve is heading north of $50 per token.

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