Adrienne Pine Profile picture
Critical medical anthropologist writing on asylum, Honduras, neoliberal fascism, somatic solidarity & empire. I oppose US-supported coups d'état. And Nazis.

Jul 7, 2022, 9 tweets

Construction workers at the site of the new @usembassyhn in Tegucigalpa are out early this morning for a second day of work stoppage protesting labor abuses by @StateDept contractor @BLHarbert. I’ll post here as I get updates.
#Honduras #Solidarity

@usembassyhn @StateDept @BLHarbert Direct action (+lots of solidarity) on the way to getting the goods this AM for workers building the oversized fortress that will be the new @usembassyhn in Honduras. Workers showed up @ 5am; soon after a (US) manager from @BLHarbert came out to meet them & hear their demands...

@usembassyhn @StateDept @BLHarbert The workers at the new US Embassy in Honduras (apparently all 900 of them) are refusing to start up work again until @BLHarbert signs their list of demands. There is some sort of delay in getting it translated. Took me five minutes to do this very rough translation.

Honduran workers at the new US embassy site are still outside awaiting a resolution. They tell me that a representative of the Honduran Labor Ministry went to visit with them. They’re not going back to work without guarantees, they tell me.

The workers are energized. This from just now outside the @usembassyhn job site:

Update: at 1pm in Tegucigalpa (1 hr ago), workers were still outside waiting for their 5 representatives, inside speaking w/@BLHarbert mgmt & reps from @Trabajohn (Honduran Labor Secretariat) & presumably @usembassyhn reps.
A post & photos from yesterday:

Workers are angry, as @BLHarbert refuses to budge on contract length (≤3 months) even though some workers have been in that precarity for years, in addition to all the other labor abuses. This is the company's MO at @StateDept embassy construction sites worldwide, apparently.

Oh look! More labor abuses by @BLHarbert at a US Embassy construction site- this one in Turkey last year:…

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