Christopher Gardner Profile picture
Stanford Nutrition Scientist since 1993. Human nutrition. Food systems. Stealth nutrition. Father of 4 boys. Husband of @DrMichelsonPhD

Jul 8, 2022, 6 tweets

#KetoMedStudy: Nutrient Diffs

In our study we collected a lot of dietary data, primarily to characterize diets & report adherence

In supplemental tables we reported changes in NUTRIENTS on each diet phase

In this 🧵we share the nutrient changes…

Two Diet Periods for each Diet Phase

Food Delivery


For each 12-week phase of the study, participants received food deliveries for the first 4 weeks to maximize adherence.

For the next 8 weeks participants bought and prepared their own food (supported by staff)

Food Delivery Period

Supplement Table 8 from paper

Vitamins, minerals and fiber

End of Food Delivery (week #4)

Absolute Standardized Differences (effect sizes) between diets for change from baseline.

~0.2 = small diff
~0.5 = moderate diff
~0.8 = large diff

Food Delivery Period

Change from baseline indicated at least a moderate effect size (>0.5) that favored:

Med-Plus (8) (in blue)
Thiamin, Vit B6, Folate, Vit C, Vit E, Iron, Magnesium, & fiber

WFKD (3) (in orange)
Vit B12, Vit D, Selenium

(See RDA’s, far right, for reference)

Self-Provided Period

Supplement Table 10 from paper

Vitamins, minerals and fiber

End of Self-Provided (week #12)

Absolute Standardized Differences (effect sizes) between diets for change from baseline.

~0.2 = small diff
~0.5 = moderate diff
~0.8 = large diff

Self-Provided Period

Change from baseline indicated at least a moderate effect size (>0.5) that favored:

Med-Plus (4) (in blue)
Folate, Vit C, Magnesium, & fiber

WFKD (0)

(See RDA’s, far right, for reference)

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