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Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Jul 9, 2022, 7 tweets

The third & final miracle of Patsy Baloney Day, when Pat Cipollone finally appears, was of course the bigliest miracle. This involved criminal & alleged human being Steve Bannon and his criminal & alleged attorney Robert & Abbott Costello (leftmost in photo)


So first, on Friday, we heard that Trump is tossing Bannon under the bus (good, this was inevitable; Trump will do this to everybody, but Bannon was quite close to Trump)

But we heard that Abbott & Robert Costello, Bannon's attorney wants to withdraw from representing Bannon

Where do we remember this name from? Abbott von Robert und Costello, esquire? Rudy Giuliani! This dude also represents Sir Buttdial McRudypants, America's Mayonaise

And THAT is where this gets 'fascinating'
[Your T Dawg raises Spock eye brow]

We found out after Jan 6th, that Rudy Giuliani had been under FBI wiretap since 2019, so all of Rudy Colludy's crimes were meticulously collected, recorded & archived by the Feds

So when Bannon's crooked attorney Abbott & Robert Costello was plotting crimes with Rudy, is caught

Note... This corrupt and caught lawyer, Robert Costello - will bring Bannon down, connect Bannon with Rudy Giuliani re Jan 6th, and Bannon to Trump via Jan 6th

But it gets even more miraculous. After all this is... a Patsy Baloney Day miracle. Hold onto your hats..

Remember THIS guy? Michael Cohen. There was ample reporting of attempts of witness tampering of Cohen, by Trump. Now who would do such a thing? Giuliani (with Bannon) via... yes... Robert & Abbott Costello.

BOOM. Witness tampering. & Jan 6th Committee has just found plenty of it

I do not know what level of evidence they have (yet) on Bannon's attorney Robert Costello. But it is always bad when shortly before trial date an attorney asks to be removed from the case

Expect this stink to go to witness tampering. And that DOJ have this scumbag totally nailed

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