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Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Jul 14, 2022, 7 tweets

Witness Thread 1/

As we've seen videotaped testimony of various witnesses given to January 6th Comittee under oath, let's explore a couple of types of testimony. Consider upcoming criminal trials & these witnesses

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Witness Thread 2/

One of the most hated villains of the #Trumpomobsters is Fred Flintstone's evil Nazi cousin Bill Barrstone. Barr testified remarkably openly about everything re Jan 6th insurrection. Why? Because he was not involved. He loves to blame this on those who were

Witness Thread 3/

Compare Bill Barr's testimony to American Traitor, the Russian General Mike Flynn. He pleaded the 5th. Even on question relating to his oath of office as a military officer, should USA have a peaceful transfer of power? He pleaded the FIFTH !!! Traitor scumbag

Witness Thread 4/

Then consider testimony of someone else personally involved in Jan 6th: Entitlement Barbie. Ivanka ponders every question as if to make sure she remembers to keep her lies straight. Princess Lapdance of Goya Beans has already been caught not telling truth

Witness Thread 5/

Now consider #PatsyBaloney. White House Counsel Pat Cipollone told openly the truth. Why? Because his conscience is clean: He was consistently & systematically against this mad plot by Giuliani & Clowns. He will tell all also to criminal investigators at DOJ

Witness Thread 6/

Then consider testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson. She was not personally involved with Jan 6th, but saw - with horror - as it unfolded. She is inside witness to what was going on, while she did not sit in actual meetings. There will be DOZENS of witnesses like her

Witness Thread 7/

Lastly consider the Dutchess of Dr Pepper. Her arrogant and lunatic testimony is worthy of her fame as the Kraken Lady. Sidney Powell will also testify like this to any court, and they will all see, she is a basket case, and will treat her testimony accordingly

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